Category Archives: Drummond

Lackeys: Alabama’s Unconstitutional and Secret Star Chambers

“Luckily, legislatures make laws, not courthouse lackeys on the fly.” –Kyle Whitmire,

Where are the open courts of Alabama?

During the Newsome Conspiracy Case, we observed that Judge Carole Smitherman created a secretive “Star Chamber” where alleged criminal acts, perjury, and unsavory conduct were hidden from public view; and all hearings, pleadings, and oral arguments were held in secret with no public notice.

For 500 days, no one knew what was happening, except when appeals were filed and we learned about the counterfeit court order used to trample the due process of law, civil rights, and civil liberties of Burt Newsome.

Sheriff Blakely

Now the media are in an uproar over a Star Chamber in Limestone County where Sheriff Mike Blakely, one of the longest-serving sheriffs in Alabama, is facing a criminal trial on five felony charges of using his position for personal gain, five felony counts of theft and one misdemeanor theft charge.

Kyle Whitmire of writes:

This week, state and local news reporters arrived at the courthouse in Athens to cover jury selection in Blakely’s trial, only to be turned away by the bailiffs.

The reasons they were given have, shall we say, evolved.

At first, a court bailiff told’s Ashley Remkus that it was against the law for them to observe jury selection.

That was flat-out not true.

I personally have covered trials in state and federal courts where I sat through jury selection, as have many of the reporters there this week in Limestone County. Were all those other judges in all those other cases too dumb to notice the lawbreakers in the back of the courtrooms? If the staff’s understanding of the law were correct, then any number of media folks should be in jail already.


But it’s not against the law. They were just making that part up. Luckily, legislatures make laws, not courthouse lackeys on the fly. So that excuse didn’t last very long.

Next, court staff told the reporters there wasn’t room. Reporters offered to stand. Also, courts are required to accommodate the public, so if there wasn’t room, that’s on them.

Next, they said the judge had ordered jury selection closed to the public. Only there was no written order in the online court file and, when asked, the court staff couldn’t produce one.

Finally, they said the judge had decided that having media in the room might make jurors uncomfortable.

“She would want to make certain that jurors felt comfortable,” her bailiff said. “That there wasn’t people asking them — taking their names and so on and so forth. And so for that reason, she’s not having access.”

Or in fewer words, because she didn’t want to.

Finally, the Three Stooges (Alabama Power, Balch and Bingham, and Drummond Company) successfully sealed the entire $75 million civil lawsuit filed by ex-Drummond executive David Roberson in part due to scrutiny from media including

What are they hiding and who in heaven’s name is sitting in on these secretive hearings?

Over $30,000 for Senator Smitherman

In Smitherman’s court it was her husband State Senator Rodger Smitherman, a non-party, who sat it on the hearings and received over $30,000 in questionable “contributions” from Balch-related allies and entities.

The Drummond case is so tightly sealed that our sources at theJefferson County courthouse cannot obtain any information and believe an alleged miscarriage of justice could be occurring.

The smoke and mirrors in Jefferson County could soon come crashing down if investigators find a pattern of hiding or obscuring criminal acts and trampling the due process of law in obviously bias and one-sided Star Chambers.

As far as Limestone County, media filed a motion to open proceedings and the judge reversed herself, letting the media in.

Sadly, Balch and Bingham and their cronies have a grip on Jefferson County’s judicial branch that is unprecedented.

And even public corruption investigators acknowledge the problem, which is a bold and needed step forward.

As Investigations Probe Political Misconduct by Trump DOJ, Alabama Becomes Ground Zero

After four years of blogging on the alleged corruption in Alabama, we believe the egregious misconduct by the “Trump machine” in Alabama will become a national embarrassment.

Media and investigators can easily probe disgraced ex-U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama, Jay E. Town, who appears to have acted as a political agent for the Three Stooges of Alabama (Drummond Coal, Alabama Power, and embattled law firm Balch & Bingham).

All Three Stooges were closely tied to ex-U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions (Alabama Power and Balch & Bingham being his number 1 and number 2 lifetime donors respectively when Sessions was a U.S. Senator).

Insiders in D.C. tell us the Congressional and internal DOJ probes will take a hard look at Sessions and his goons.

Former U.S. Attorney General William Barr has already distanced himself from the alleged surveillance of members of the U.S. House of Representatives and their staff members.

Two-years ago, The Washington Post revealed new details about the corrupt North Birmingham Bribery Scandal and that how allegedly up to 20 more people at Balch were involved in the conspiracy to suppress African-Americans from testing their toxic property by the EPA. 

After the criminal conviction of a Drummond executive David Roberson and Balch partner Joel I. Gilbert in 2018,  U.S. Attorney Town stunned the public and law enforcement representatives when he declared the two were in essence the only ones involved—a “lone wolf” theory.

During the trial Alabama Power was allegedly unmentionable and never called to the stand.

Town chugging; Crosswhite chuckling.

Then in 2020 we obtained the jaw-dropping photos of Town chugging cocktails with Mark A. Crosswhite, CEO of Alabama Power and an ex-Balch partner allegedly at the height of the criminal trial. That lead to our formal complaint with the Office of Professional Responsibility and Town’s resignation last July.

This year, the Three Stooges have shown uncontrolled panic as ex-Drummond executive David Roberson’s $75 million civil lawsuit proceeds.

Even the Alabama Supreme Court unanimously sided against Drummond.

Like the Trump DOJ that gagged media outlets, Drummond tried to gag us, the CDLU, and silence our blog, but the judge prohibited their tactics of fear, suppression and intimidation.

And as a cherry on the top, Alabama Power’s biggest federal employee PAC donation in 2020 was to the Rule of Law Defense Fund, the entity behind the robocalls that spurred the insurrection on January 6th.

Among many others, Sessions, Town, Crosswhite, Andrews, and Tracy should all be subpoenaed, interrogated, and skewered for the sake of blind justice, the affirmation of the Rule of Law, and to preserve an independent and non-political U.S. Department of Justice.

Alabama is ground zero.

Immunity Deal Comes Back to Bite “Confused” General Counsel at Drummond

[This post originally appeared on November 10, 2020. Now that David Roberson’s $75 million civil case has been sealed in its entirety, the court procedings and documents are unavailable. However, the no-brainer immunity deal that was declined is the talk of outside observers.]

In 2017, the criminal defense team of ex-Drummond Executive David Roberson allegedly flat-out rejected a full immunity deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

And what would have David Roberson done for that immunity deal?

According to sources, the federal government wanted Roberson to honestly testify about the alleged bribes from Drummond Company to politicians.

The testimony the feds also sought included details of an alleged bribery ring of “do-not-ask” but “just-send-the-check” co-conspirators.

But Roberson’s criminal attorneys allegedly rejected the deal.

With the criminal attorneys being paid generously (to this day) by Drummond Company, some observers wonder:

Was the rejection of the immunity deal done solely for Drummond’s benefit at Roberson’s expense?

The Roberson Family

Blake Andrews, General Counsel of Drummond Company, was allegedly so “confused” by the invoices in the North Birmingham Bribery Scheme, he allegedly had Roberson sign off on them as the “fall guy.”

Was “Confused” Andrews involved in any way with the rejection of this immunity deal?

Roberson’s civil litigation team is dispatching discovery requests and video deposition subpoenas.

Roberson’s civil attorneys should dig deep into Andrews communications with Roberson’s criminal defense team and make sure there were no alleged strings-attached to his detriment.

What was Roberson’s reward for keeping his mouth shut and being loyal?

Drummond allegedly vowed to keep him on the payroll, pay for his criminal litigation costs, and take care of Roberson and his family.

Yet six months after his conviction, Roberson was terminated. He lost his home, his possessions, and barely can pay for the prescription drugs of his family members.

Now, Roberson’s $75 million civil lawsuit against Drummond and Balch & Bingham is moving forward.

The judge refused to dismiss the promissory fraud count where the Robersons asserted they both turned down employment opportunities and the selling of their home for a profit based on Drummond’s assurances that appear to have been lies.

Drummond always has declared loyalty, absolute loyalty to their employees.

Regardless of the morality of the matter, David Roberson saved Drummond Company $100 to $150 million in costs in the North Birmingham CERLA matter.

And now some folks at Drummond appear to be “dazed and confused.”

“At Drummond’s Behest;” Fallout from Criminal Trial Explodes; Biden Administration on High Alert

The 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has dropped some explosive bombs with their 37-page unanimous order last week.

The aftermath could be devastating not only to ex-Drummond Executive David Roberson, but to Drummond Company and the Drummond Family directly.

Now those close to the Biden Administration are being briefed on the topic and allegedly key decision-makers in the Administration, we are told, are “on high alert” about the alleged corruption, prosecutorial misconduct, and environmental racism surrounding the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal.

We hope more investigations, more probes, and more indictments are coming soon.

On Page 17, the order states:

The government proffered evidence that Appellants concealed Representative Robinson’s payments from both the AJE and Drummond by scrubbing invoices of information indicating his involvement, at Drummond’s behest and with Gilbert’s approval.

Confused but not interrogated?

Why in heaven’s name was Drummond Company not indicted?

Why were not other senior Drummond executives like ex-CEO Mike Tracy or “confused” General Counsel Blake Andrews interrogated by the FBI? Why were Drummond family members not interviewed or brought before a federal grand jury?

More explosive are the unredacted portions of an FBI report which were not presented in the criminal trial.

From Page 33 of the order:

Specifically, the trial court excluded a portion of an FBI agent’s written summary of Roberson’s interview with the FBI in which Roberson states that he had checked with Gilbert to ensure “there was no problem with what they were oing.” The full passage at issue, with the portions excluded at trial underlined, states:

After the Hubbard trial, Roberson considered what they were doing, i.e., contracting with a state representative, in light of the ethics law but determined that the area targeted by the campaign was not in Robinson’s district. Roberson stated that they (Drummond) have always been very careful, and he (Roberson) has a reputation to maintain. Roberson had a conversation with Gilbert about ethics considerations. Roberson wanted to know if it was a problem for him (Roberson) to be associated with the effort because he was a lobbyist. Gilbert later told Roberson that he checked with Greg Butrus and Chad Pilcher at Balch, and there was no problem with what they were doing.

We learned in court that Gilbert lied.

Chad Pilcher

As we reported during the trial,  Chad Pilcher,  a Balch & Bingham government affairs attorney, provided bombshell testimony in that he warned Gilbert about using State Representative Oliver Robinson’s position or letterhead.

Pilcher regularly consults with the Alabama Ethics Commission, he testified.

But no one on the jury heard how Roberson was deceived by Gilbert and he was told “there was no problem with what they were doing.”

The jury was denied the whole-truth and nothing but the truth.

How in heaven’s name was this injustice allowed to happen?

Now, fairly or unfairly, hard questions are being asked:

  • Did disgraced ex-U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town engage in prosecutorial misconduct?
  • Why was David Roberson not allowed to testify in his own defense?
  • Why did Roberson’s criminal defense attorneys reject a no-brainer, full-immunity deal?
  • Were Roberson’s criminal defense attorneys more concerned about assisting Drummond Company (who was paying them) or their client?

Last week, we wrote about footnote 28 on Page 36. With seasoned investigators reading the passage, we are told the meeting discussed appears to have been a possible juncture in which Roberson looks like he was “set up” as the “Fall Guy.”

In particular, [Mike] Tracy, the CEO of Drummond Company, stated that Gilbert told him that the arrangement with Representative Robinson was legal, during a meeting in which Roberson was present….Additionally, Gilbert stated during cross-examination that he assured both Tracy and Roberson that everything was legal and ethical.

The optics are awful.

Using the utmost integrity, the Biden Administration, through various agencies, including the U.S. Department of Justice, needs to take a deep dive look at this alleged scam for what it is.

Is it of no wonder that people of integrity like George Martin, the Assistant U.S. Attorney who prosecuted Gilbert, Robinson, and Roberson moved to Mobile and relocated? Is it of no wonder that top FBI agents (all of the highest caliber) involved in the case and the public integrity unit in Birmingham left to new, better FBI positions in other cities?

Glenn and Phillips

Has Birmingham truly become a cesspool of corruption where justice, real justice is impossible to achieve?

Balch stooges Trey Glenn and Scott Phillips should be approached with full immunity deals to disclose everything they know about Drummond and Balch.

And then the Biden Administration should kick into overdrive.

Balch-made millionaire Joel I. Gilbert apologized directly to Roberson during his own sentencing hearing.

Will Drummond ever apologize for their misconduct and disloyalty?

Devastated! Roberson Family Utterly Destroyed; “Set Up” Allegations Grow

In six months, ex-Drummond executive David Roberson will have to report to federal prison.

After having to sell the family home and all his personal possessions in a humiliating estate sale, Roberson will no longer receive monthly social security checks once he reports to prison.

His family will be broke. Devastated.

What will this mean to his autistic son? What could this do to his wife Anna who has attempted suicide twice? His daughter is a teacher. Will she survive the emotional toll?

Two suicide attempts

Roberson, a biologist, saved Drummond Company over $100 million during his employment. Regardless of one’s opinion on Drummond or environmental issues, David Roberson was a success and a loyal employee.

Even though Drummond vowed to back him after his conviction, six-months later ex-Drummond CEO Mike Tracy fired him, and days later stopped funding Roberson’s favorite charity, a school for children with special needs.


Maybe Roberson is finally seeing the alleged “set up” for what it is and that he appears to have been a pawn, duped to be “the fall guy.”

Drummond and Balch & Bingham ought to be ashamed.

We remind our readers that David Roberson had a full immunity deal if he had testified against others.

Why did his defense attorneys (being paid by Drummond Company) refuse the no-brainer deal?

Many are now asking: Whose interests were they truly protecting?

What does Roberson know and what can he sing? Are there more allegations of bribes and unsavory conduct?

Drummond Company makes billions. Roberson saved them millions. And then Roberson was simply tossed aside.

But now, without a doubt, the Roberson Family has been utterly destroyed by those they considered to be their long-time friends.

We understand that Roberson is a true gentleman and would never use this vulgar language.

That said, as the late Mayor of Washington, D.C. Marion Barry famously stated, “Bitch set me up . . . . I shouldn’t have come up here . . . goddamn bitch.”

Breaking News: U.S. Appeals Court Affirms Criminal Convictions of Roberson and Gilbert; Balch Skewered

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit affirmed the criminal convictions of ex-Balch partner Joel I. Gilbert and ex-Drummond executive David Roberson in the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal.

The court issued a 37-page opinion in the unanimous 3-0 decision.

The court skewered  Balch & Bingham, writing:

Although Appellants attempt to paint the agreement between Balch and the Oliver Robinson Foundation as some sort of permissible advocacy campaign, as indicated Gilbert testified that the Foundation was the only entity asked to submit a proposal and that Gilbert and the Balch firm did not do any due diligence on the Foundation’s ability to do the work.

No due diligence! The only entity!

Investigators need to now probe how many others at Balch were involved in this criminal racket and who on Balch’s executive management board knew about it.

Alabama Power which was regularly briefed on the North Birmingham matter also needs to be probed.

The lone-wolf theory that Gilbert was the sole decision maker and mastermind appears to be unequivocally false.

Even more troubling is footnote number 28.

The court writes:

In particular, [Mike] Tracy, the CEO of Drummond Company, stated that Gilbert told him that the arrangement with Representative Robinson was legal, during a meeting in which Roberson was present…. Additionally, Gilbert stated during cross-examination that he assured both Tracy and Roberson that everything was legal and ethical.

The Court of Appeals affirms that Balch & Bingham’s top partner did indeed mislead Drummond Company, Mike Tracy, and Roberson.

No doubt now that Roberson’s $75 million civil lawsuit against Balch and Drummond is more than justified.

Listening to Balch’s alleged lies and falsehoods, Roberson has seen his life utterly collapse in shambles. From selling the family home to an estate sale, the humiliation has been overwhelming.

Mike Tracy

Instead of backing him, Drummond Company and ex-CEO Mike Tracy foolishly threw Roberson under the bus and marched goose-step with Balch six months after Roberson’s conviction.

The question now is, why? Was Roberson a “fall guy” and set-up by others?

Drummomd Company and Tracy should face federal scrutiny.

We now expect an en banc appeal to be filed in hopes that the entire 11th Circuit hears the case, while lawyers frantically try to stall or delay Gilbert and Roberson from having to report to federal prison.

New Indictments? Drummond Family May Now Begin Biting Their Fingernails

Kristen Clark, the first African-American woman to serve as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, was confirmed by the U.S. Senate yesterday.

The Honorable Kristen Clark

We, the CDLU, were awaiting her confirmation as we begin the process to debrief the U.S. Department of Justice, the EPA, and others on the alleged corrupt if not criminal conduct in Alabama.

First up is Drummond Company and their outrageous act of trying to cross-dress as a law firm while justifying and rationalizing the abrupt firing of “Fall Guy” David Roberson.

The fundamental question for federal investigators is:

Was ex-Drummond executive David Roberson framed?

Clark not only needs to look at the horrific Civil Rights violations of poor African-Americans in North Birmingham who were targeted in Balch & Bingham’s criminal scheme, but violations of the civil liberties of David Roberson.

Clark should expand the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal and look at the 20 or so Balch & Bingham lawyers, numerous Alabama Power executives, and an unknown number of paid consultants affiliated with the criminal scheme to suppress African-Americans from having their contaminated and toxic property tested by the EPA.

The Office of Professional Responsibility at the U.S. Department of Justice needs to look deeply into the accusations of prosecutorial misconduct by disgraced ex-U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town who was seen chugging cocktails with Mark A. Crosswhite, CEO of Alabama Power.

Ketona Lakes

Clark and EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan need to dive into Drummond’s alleged toxic site known as Ketona Lakes near North Birmingham.

Who at Drummond knew about it and why was the alleged site of “environmental racism” kept quiet for over 35 years?

As we wrote in January:

For over 35 years, the site of two former quarries has been hidden from public view. Located in Jefferson County, not far from North Birmingham and smack in the middle of the City of Tarrant, the Ketona Lakes are quarries now filled with water.

The water is allegedly extremely contaminated and toxic. Sources tell us that Drummond acquired the property when they purchased ABC Coke, and the site had extensive underground pipes that used to go directly underground to ABC Coke.

Drummond allegedly sealed off the pipes, tore down all physical structures, and then secured, fenced, and fully abandoned the site in 1985, thinking no one would know or care. Ketona Lakes was the site of a former chemical company and decades of harmful chemicals and toxins have allegedly stayed in the soil and water.

Clark and the U.S. Department of Justice need to also look at blatant corruption. As we wrote in December:

We have now learned from sources that the $25,000 was allegedly hand delivered in 2014 to Attorney General [Luther] Strange when  [Mike] Thompson allegedly brought him over to Drummond Company’s executive offices, circumventing government affairs and meeting with members of the Drummond family directly. All that was missing was a brown paper bag.

Beyond the alleged bribes to Strange, federal authorities should look at the alleged “just-cut-a-check-and-don’t-ask-questions” bribery ring involving some of the most powerful corporations in Alabama.

Each and every executive at Drummond, including ex-CEO Mike Tracy, and every member of Drummond’s Board of Directors needs to be interrogated by federal investigators. Drummond family members should also come under the spotlight.

The sheer panic, and unbelievable if not outrageous court filings by Drummond shows something is not right, completely off. Even the conservative Alabama Supreme Court unanimously denied Drummond’s Writ of Mandamus earlier this month.

We have always and repeatedly said that we have no bones to pick with Drummond Company.

Like the fools at Balch & Bingham, Drummond has attacked us, the CDLU, a non-party, falsely in court filings and went to the extreme measure of sealing the case in its entirety because of our reporting and scrutiny.

We now believe that Drummond’s Secret Star Chamber (like the first Star Chamber in the Newsome Conspiracy Case) could be possibly hiding or obscuring alleged criminal and unsavory conduct under the guise of a sealed “protective order.”

Clark and others now need to intrude and intervene as real Civil Rights justice, environmental justice is sought.

Drummond family members may now begin biting their fingernails while Drummond’s “Confused” General Counsel Blake Andrews may need an emergency manicure.

Podcasts on Colombia Murders and North Birmingham Knocks Wind Out of Drummond Company

While the heirs of Drummond Company hope to diversify their holdings and possibly sell their enormous coal operation in Colombia, Vice Media has stirred international intrigue in a multi-episode podcast series called, “The Crisis.”

The podcasts have come at the worst time for Drummond Company.

The podcasts come just weeks after the 20th anniversary of the murders of two Colombian labor leaders who worked for Drummond Company, one of whom was shot dead in front of his Drummond colleagues.

Colombia protests turn violent

In addition, now, today, Colombia is being rocked by daily and violent protests. As Reuters reported hours ago:

The Andean country has seen nearly a month of demonstrations and thousands of road blockades. Though protest leaders reached pre-agreements for talks with the government late on Monday, they have promised marches against inequality and police abuse, among other issues, will continue.

The protests and instability have caused Colombia coal exports to drop 65 percent in a single week this month according to news reports.

And the podcasts against Drummond are smoking hot.

Star of Episode 4: Oliver Robinson
  • Episode 1 “The Union” focuses on Drummond’s Coal Mine in Columbia, the links to paramilitary death squads, and the murder of two Colombian labor leaders at Drummond’s Colombia mine.
  • Episode 2 “Witnesses” focuses on the development of a civil jury lawsuit against Drummond on behalf of the murdered labor leaders.
  • Episode 3 “The Fish Dies by Opening its Mouth” focuses on the civil jury trial in Birmingham by family members of the murdered Colombia victims that Drummond Company won, other failed trials, and an eye-popping interview with Jim Adkins, an ex-CIA official who had at one time headed Drummond’s Security in Colombia.
  • Episode 4 “Hung Out to Dry” focuses on the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal and includes interviews with ex-State Representative Oliver Robinson and ex-Drummond executive David Roberson and his wife, Anna Roberson. The podcast focuses on Balch & Bingham’s abhorrent scheme to suppress poor African-Americans from having their property tested by the EPA.
  • Episode 5 “Confessions” focuses on testimony by ex-paramilitaries and those allegedly involved in the murders of Drummond labor leaders, including Drummond food services subcontractor, Jaime Blanco, who was sentenced to 38 years to prison for the murders.
  • Epilogue “20 Years Later” focuses on the audit of food service provider Jaime Blanco, who was allegedly overpaid so that he could funnel money to paramilitary death squads, and the aftermath for the families of the murdered labor leaders.

As we wrote in March, “Drummond appears to have lied in court filings with manipulated Balch invoices, authorities in Colombia may no longer believe corporate officials or value Drummond’s integrity.”

And now, unfair or not, the podcasts link the unsavory and criminal behavior of the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal with the atrocities in Colombia from over two-decades ago.

Will Drummond’s top executives and “confused” General Counsel Blake Andrews continue to goose-step with Balch & Bingham or break the chain that has hurt the company, the brand, the Garry Drummond legacy?

Target: Alabama Power; Time Feds Clean Up Alabama Like Phenix City was in 1954

The photo above of disgraced ex-U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town chugging cocktails with the Chairman and CEO of Alabama Power Mark A. Crosswhite at the Moon Shine Lounge at the Elyton Hotel is the epitome of the unethical if not corrupt environment in Alabama.

After the criminal conviction of Balch-made millionaire Joel I. Gilbert, one of the most interesting and insightful comments made to us was from a seasoned federal official who stated that the alleged corruption in Jefferson County and North Birmingham was not caused by Balch & Bingham but appeared to have been caused by the embattled law firm’s sister-wife, Alabama Power.

The mother’s milk of all corruption and bribery is money, cash money.

The Mother’s Milk

Alabama Power is a money horse, the most profitable wholly-owned subsidiary of Southern Company.

Alabama Power appears to spread millions of dollars directly or through “pay-through” entities to political allies, political action committees, AstroTurf campaigns, yellow journalists, and of course, law firms like Balch & Bingham or White, Arnold & Dowd.

In the 1940s and early 1950s, Phenix City, Alabama was a hub of corruption and criminal misconduct. As the Associated Press reported:

“Criminals infiltrated local government, rigging elections and paying off officials. The crime figures were meticulous about paying their taxes, which kept taxes for others in Phenix City low. And they made regular donations to churches and civic causes — money that made them part of the fabric of the community.”


But all that changed on June 18, 1954 when the nominee and shoe-in for Alabama Attorney General Albert Patterson, who vowed to clean up corruption in Phenix City, was assassinated.

As Wikipedia describes:

Reaction from the state was swift. Within weeks, Governor Gordon Persons declared martial law in the city, effectively giving the Alabama National Guard the law enforcement duties in the city and the county. The state sent special prosecutors from Montgomery to replace the local judiciary.

Within six months, the Phenix City machine was dismantled.

A special grand jury in Birmingham handed down 734 indictments against local law enforcement officers, elected officials, and local business owners connected to organized crime. 

Three officials were specifically indicted for Patterson’s murder: Chief Deputy Sheriff Albert Fuller, Circuit Solicitor Arch Ferrell, and Attorney General Si Garrett. Of the three, only Fuller was convicted; he was sentenced to life imprisonment but was released after 10 years. Fuller died within the same year as his parole and claimed his innocence until his dying day. Ferrell was acquitted and Garrett was never brought to trial, as he was convalescing in a mental institution for most of the year after Patterson’s murder.

Now, today, 67 years later, we see sheer and uncontrolled panic from the Three Stooges (Alabama Power, Balch, and Drummond Company) in the rebirth of the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal.

Every political asset, every judicial trick, every tactic of fear and intimidation have been used as crushing weights against David Roberson, but they have backfired. Roberson’s $75 million sealed lawsuit still stands.

These four years of reporting have proven undeniably that Balch & Bingham, Alabama Power and their stooges are utter fools. Their foolish conduct has spiraled out of control.

Like a replication from long-ago Phenix City, we have reported about the manipulation of the judicial branch, an assassination attempt, alleged bribes, staged arrests, alleged prosecutorial misconduct, a mysterious head-on car wreck, judicial fraud, a counterfeit court order, and even when the wrong family was terrorized by Balch boosters.

But now the feds need to zero in on where Alabama Power is most vulnerable.

Alabama Power, like Phenix City elements of 1954, may give regular donations to civic causes, but the ugly underbelly, the vile raw sewage from Alabama Power linked to environmental racism and possible corruption needs to be investigated and cleaned up.

Mark A. Crosswhite may be forced to resign or retire.

Unlike the long-ago politico, we don’t believe Crosswhite will be “convalescing in a mental institution” anytime soon.

Unanimous! Drummond Company to Stand Trial; Floodgates Open

Last week, the Alabama Supreme Court unanimously rejected Drummond Company’s Writ of Mandamus against ex-Drummond executive David Roberson’s $75 million civil lawsuit with one word, “Denied.”

In their 46-page Writ filed last December, Drummond summarized their grave concern claiming, “A man—convicted by a jury of his peers for bribery, money laundering, and fraud—has now sued his employer and a law firm claiming they caused him to be wrongfully convicted.

So will we find out if Drummond, their “confused” General Counsel Blake Andrews, and other co-conspirators indeed caused Roberson to be wrongfully convicted?

The court proceedings and filings in Jefferson County against Drummond Company have been placed under seal in another top-secret Star Chamber.

Regardless, multiple outside factors now come into play:

These factors alone may be just enough to spur federal investigations of possible criminal and prosecutorial misconduct regardless of what happens inside the Second Star Chamber.

A Coal Company. Not a Law Firm!

Roberson has opened the floodgates against the Three Stooges and stripped naked the drag queens at Drummond who tried to cross-dress themselves as a law firm.

Even the conservative Alabama Supreme Court did not buy the cross-dressing act.


CDLU Entrenched in Investigations of Elderly Abuse while Three Stooges Spin in Circles

We have always described ourselves as the little speedboat that drives the large aircraft carrier mad. Alabama Power, Balch, and Drummond appear to be beyond mad.

At the Jefferson County Courthouse, one of our sources overheard a top official ask, “Why has there not been more posts on”

We, the CDLU, are flattered that our readers are eager for more.

Since February, we have been entrenched in an international investigation of elderly abuse and financial crimes against innocent senior citizens who are people of color. From Houston to Mexico City, the conduct is stunningly deplorable.

From “time-share” scams to bogus investment products, from deceptive long-term financial planning to shady Wall Street brokers, our work has produced a volume of documented stories of alleged unsavory, unethical, and criminal conduct.

We always enjoy working with the U.S. Department of Justice, the Federal Trade Commission, OFAC, and other law enforcement agencies to bring justice and relief where egregious conduct dominates.

Yet, sadly, the stooges at Balch & Bingham, Alabama Power, and Drummond selfishly think the world circulates around them and as the most powerful entities in Alabama they falsely believe that they control everything in and around them, including the political structure and legal system.

We have always described ourselves as the little speedboat that drives the large aircraft carrier mad. Alabama Power, Balch and Drummond appear to be beyond mad.

The three stooges are spinning in circles.

Mark White and
Mark A. Crosswhite

Like our sources in the court system, we, too, have sources at Alabama Power, Balch, Drummond, and even sources close to the illustrious Mark White of White, Arnold & Dowd, the white-collar defense attorney to Mark A. Crosswhite, CEO of Alabama Power.

How else would we know that outside lawyers at White, Arnold & Dowd were allegedly working overdrive, in a panic after midnight on a Friday night, and early on a Saturday morning?

The reality is we hear from all sorts of anonymous sources. Sometimes they are legitimate; sometimes they appear to be wearing aluminum-foil hats while drinking unknown quantities of Jack Daniels.

We also examine evidence closely and use logic to determine what may happen next. As we wrote in January:

Alabama Power whines that we outlined correctly that Alabama Power, Mark Crosswhite and “an all-star reunion show” would be subpoenaed in the rebirth of the North Birmingham Conspiracy Case falsely saying we, the CDLU, had advanced knowledge.

No, it is called logic.

Government Exhibits

When we closely examined the photos from the alleged assassination attempt of ex-Drummond Executive David Roberson we knew he was dropping off important documents simply from the photographic evidence.

Not everyone has a binder in the rear of their car tattered with glass that says “government exhibits.”

When the late Schuyler Allen Baker, Jr. of Balch & Bingham attacked us before the Alabama Supreme Court in the Newsome Conspiracy Case, he spewed lie after lie.

As we wrote in October of 2019:

Unable to defend the indefensible in legal arguments, thin-skinned Balch & Bingham cries uncontrollably about and our reporting.

Like snake oil salesmen, Balch appears to show they are nothing more than a lying sack of marbles….

We are back and will be providing you, our dear readers, with more insight, more posts, and more incredible tales of the Three Stooges.

AG Garland: “Same Kind of Hatred” Fuels Criminal Acts

Speaking to ABC News yesterday, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland discussed the “same kind of hatred” that was behind the Tulsa Massacre of 1921 and the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995: racism and white supremacy.

Garland was one of the prosecutors in Oklahoma City in 1995.

In the post-Balch era, the environmental racism and “same kind of hatred” behind the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal and alleged secret Ketona Lakes site will bring even more federal scrutiny in the coming months.

The Three Stooges (Balch, Alabama Power and Drummond Company) played their cards in December showing the sheer nervousness and uncontrolled panic they were suffering from by attacking us, the CDLU and this website.

Kicking the dog and sending out buffoons to terrorize the innocent, Balch boosters and defenders truly dropped the ball and foolishly exposed themselves for what they are: idiotic bullies.

Mark A. Crosswhite, whose boxer shorts appear to have been twisted so tightly by his most trusted advisers, appears to have lost basic, common sense.

The most powerful man in Alabama may become the poster child of evil, environmental racism, alleged corruption, and arrogance if his handlers continue dragging him down the path of self-destruction.

No public relations fluff can reverse the reality.

Balch & Bingham, Alabama Power, and Drummond must address the issues head on instead of prolonging them with legal maneuvers, fluff, and counter-productive “kill the messenger” efforts that sadly exploded in their own faces.

If not, Garland and his team need to dive deep into Ketona Lakes, the ash ponds of Miller Steam Plant, the Tammany Hall of Birmingham, and the alleged “don’t-ask-just-cut-a check” bribery ring.

And then the EPA and later Congress can also come knocking on the door.

Disgraced ex-U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town chugs while
Alabama Power and ex-Balch partner Mark A. Crosswhite beams.

Round 1: “Unfinished Business” Against Three Stooges Mounts

As we predicted last year, the sheer and uncontrolled panic of Alabama Power, Balch & Bingham and Drummond Company with the possible rebirth of the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal would provoke an avalanche of investigations and probes under a new administration and congressional leadership.

The Three Stooges were utter fools.

Round one: the national media are investigating and putting pressure against Drummond Company.

In an extensive piece in E&E News on environmental justice, Drummond’s deal for its polluting ABC Coke Plant in North Birmingham is now under scrutiny. E&E writes:

But what happened — and didn’t happen — next tells a disquieting tale of a status quo that has long left people of color and low-income communities disproportionately exposed to toxic air pollution….

[F]ederal regulators dithered. Local officials obfuscated. And the coke plant, located less than a mile from an elementary school, has continued to spew tons of cancer-causing benzene and other hazardous pollutants each year. Almost a full decade passed before a court-enforced cleanup agreement was locked in — and that happened earlier this year only after EPA fought residents’ efforts to amend the final deal.

In a ruling last summer, U.S. District Judge Abdul Kallon rejected any restrictions. That was followed this January with a final consent decree that — unusually — differed modestly from the 2019 draft.

But unfinished business remains. 

After [Jefferson] county health officials again renewed the plant’s operating air permit two years ago, [environmental group] GASP in June 2019 filed a protest with EPA. Among other objections, the group said that the permit lacked requirements related to total annual benzene in the byproduct recovery plant’s waste streams. Under the Clean Air Act, EPA is supposed to respond definitively within 60 days. More than 21 months later, GASP has yet to get an answer. EPA’s review is “ongoing,” the agency spokesperson said.

And what does this mean?

That environmental racism and injustice will be dealt with and not be hidden by political friends, connections or cohorts in Alabama or Washington, D.C .

Drummond, which has provided hundreds of millions of dollars worth of coal products to Alabama Power, is the first of the three stooges to be in the spotlight.

As the heirs of Garry Drummond attempt to sell their global coal operations to China or Central Asian interests, the baggage from North Birmingham, the $75 million lawsuit from David Roberson, and the federal probes percolating on the sidelines may hinder any future hopes of “closing the deal.”

Shemp: “Does marshmallows got pits?”

Moe: “No, they’re empty like your skull.”

Happy 4th Birthday to!

This month we reached our fourth birthday and we want to thank YOU our dear readers.

We hope you had a safe and pleasant Spring Break, and also hope that you and your loved ones were not impacted by the horrific tornadoes from last week.

We will continue to report about the alleged criminal, egregious, and unsavory conduct of Balch & Bingham and their sister-wife Alabama Power, especially now with the Biden Administration taking a hard swing at environmental racism.

Expect more fireworks in the next year!

Look at some of the possibilities:

Drummond Company in Meltdown Like Wicked Witch; Judge Issues Order Protecting CDLU

Drummond Company and their attorneys are looking for fish in the middle of the Mojave Desert.

Since the explosive and manipulated Balch & Bingham invoice became the talk of Alabama, Drummond Company has had an utter meltdown and court records show that an avalanche of 99 different items have been filed in the case since March 1st.

Drummond Cries Uncontrollably About

We were stunned to see the blatant and sheer foolishness of Drummond attorneys who are racking up thousands of dollars in attorney fees by crying over posts on, the CDLU, and our reporting of public documents.

Drummond is so steamed, bent out of shape, they even provided the court with some of our finest writing as a string of exhibits.

Using our posts, Drummond is falsely claiming that the Court’s Protective Orders were violated.

Now, today, on Saint Patrick’s Day, the presiding judge signed an order rebuking Drummond’s attempt to intimidate the CDLU, our First Amendment rights, and our reporting, writing:

It is ORDERED that Defendant Drummond Company, Inc. is PROHIBITED from inquiring about matters subject to an attorney-client relationship/privilege between Burt Newsome in his capacity as principal of Newsome Law, LLC with K.B. Forbes and/or CDLU EXCEPT to the extent that any alleged communications were made in VIOLATION of this Court’s Protective Orders.

The noise, the theater, the avalanche of filings are acts of desperation to simply obscure the truth: Drummond Company appears to have lied in their pleadings and to the judge.

Worse now, Balch & Bingham allegedly may have provided a manipulated invoice as the original invoice to federal authorities.

Drummond now claims, “Balch’s first draft of the invoice was incorrectly addressed to Blake Andrews, was corrected internally at Balch in thirteen minutes, and was never sent to Mr. Andrews or anyone else at Drummond.”

Drummond’s lawyers are so furious that the original invoice is being used in the $75 million civil lawsuit, Drummond has now even subpoenaed the former secretary of convicted felon and ex-Balch partner Joel I. Gilbert. She handwrote “It should be David Roberson” on the invoice.

Some of the 99 Filings

Who really cares who actually scribbled down the change?

The undisputed fact is the original invoice was changed.

Among the 99 actions on the docket, Drummond, wants to seal the entire case as “confidential” and lies to the judge claiming falsely that we, the CDLU, “accused Drummond of being involved in an assassination attempt” and that we “will use any information concerning this case to publicly smear Drummond.”

As we wrote recently, “Some of the initial reactions to the attempted assassination was to imply without a shred of evidence that Drummond Company was allegedly behind the alleged hit.”


Because, rightly or wrongly, Drummond’s reputation was bruised and damaged two decades ago when two union leaders were murdered at Drummond’s coal operations in Colombia in 2001, way before the North Birmingham Bribery Trial or Roberson’s civil lawsuit.

We have said repeatedly that we have no bones to pick with Drummond. We believe Drummond should not have marched goose-step with Balch & Bingham, and should have kept their promise with Roberson.

Our writing can be critical and sobering at times but the Constitution does not allow a powerful person or wealthy entity to try to crush our First Amendment rights by lying or making false claims.

Drummond and their attorneys are looking for fish in the middle of the Mojave Desert. And it is time for them to reel in their lines.