Balch Stooges Expose Failed Tactics; Utter Lack of Leadership at Balch
From the targeting of poor African-American children to the alleged exploitation of the elderly, the once-prestigious, silk-stocking law firm appears to be a complete embarrassment, and sadly, the legal community also appears to be relishing in Balch’s demise.
Two Jefferson County judges. Two paid consultants. All Balch stooges.
Even the Associate Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Will Sellers, a former long-time Balch & Bingham partner, concurred. Balch stooge Judge Alan L. King’s ruling not allowing 88-year-old Joann Brashinsky (Mrs. B) to retain new legal counsel was “unfathomable.”
Last week, King was ripped to shreds unanimously (7-0) by the Alabama Supreme Court for the lack of due process and fairness while attempting to impose an emergency and temporary guardianship on Mrs. B, the widow of Golden Flake Foods founder worth $218 million.
Judge King (pictured above, far left), who retired hours after Alabama Today released audio recordings of County Conservator Greg Hawley and Balch & Bingham partner Amy Davis Adams sweet talking Mrs. B, appears to be another Balch & Bingham stooge who tried to game the system.
Is Balch’s leadership this blind, this foolish to ignore the alleged Elderly Exploitation Scandal? Why have they not fired Amy Davis Adams?
Have they not seen what other Balch stooges have tried to do and failed?
Look at the current criminal case against Balch lackeys Trey Glenn and Scott Phillips.
Balch contracted with Glenn who then directed payments to Scott Phillips to lobby the Alabama Department of Environmental Management to oppose the EPA in listing the North Birmingham site on the National Priorities List.
At the time that Phillips and Glenn were receiving money from Balch to lobby ADEM on a policy matter involving the listing of North Birmingham as a Superfund site, Scott Phillips was on the Alabama Environmental Management Commission, the entity that oversees ADEM.
Phillips (pictured above, second from right) was given the boot by the Birmingham-Jefferson County Port Authority in 2018 after Balch partner Joel I. Gilbert was convicted on all six federal counts.
During day 7 of the criminal trial in 2018, Glenn (pictured above, second from left) admitted handing off confidential work product of public charity and environmental group GASP to Balch-made millionaire Gilbert so he could draft counter-points.
How about the Queen of the Star Chamber and Balch stooge extraordinaire, Judge Carole Smitherman?
Smitherman (pictured above, far right) looks like she tossed glory away for 30 pieces of silver or more exactly for over $30,000 in campaign contributions.
Once a vigorous champion of Civil Rights and the first African-American female Mayor of Birmingham, Smitherman appears to have bent-over backwards for the alleged racist law firm.
Smitherman dispatched 44 retaliatory orders in the Newsome Conspiracy Case all based on a counterfeit order.
Judge Smitherman, who sealed the Newsome Conspiracy Case in a “Star Chamber” for over 500 days to allegedly hide criminal acts and perjury, engaged in what appears to be judicial fraud.
She held the counterfeit order as the central pillar in a case, and demonstrated lop-sided bias for Balch & Bingham. The Newsome case is now under appeal before the Alabama Supreme Court.

Entities linked to Balch & Bingham and the alleged co-conspirators in the Newsome Case funneled over $30,000 in campaign contributions to her and her husband, State Senator Rodger Smitherman. Shockingly, the Senator sat in on numerous secret hearings of the Star Chamber, where the Newsome Conspiracy Case was heard.
Judge Smitherman stupidly trusted Balch & Bingham, who allegedly have made her now look like the most corrupt, dumbest, and most worthless jurist in the State of Alabama.
Gaming the system, paying consulting fees, hiring actors, creating Astro-Turf campaigns, donating heavily to politicians, smearing your opponents, targeting children, suppressing minorities, while vowing to fight to the death appear all to be the failed tactics of a lost and broken organization on the brink of collapse.
With the loss of 18 of 18 major lobbying clients in D.C., the exodus of numerous money-making partners, and the loss of millions of dollars in annual fees, the utter lack of leadership at Balch is stunning.
Balch, again, refuses to apologize, settle the matters, and put the past behind them.
From the targeting of poor African-American children to the alleged exploitation of the elderly, the once-prestigious, silk-stocking law firm appears to be a complete embarrassment, and sadly, the legal community also appears to be relishing in Balch’s demise.