• Newsome Conspiracy Case,  RICO,  Secret Star Chamber,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Brutal: Balch Partner’s Phone Records, Contradictions Make Balch Look Low-Class

    The legal community can now see in the sunshine the awful, scurrilous, low-class, below the belt tactics that a Balch partner allegedly engaged in to try to steal a competitor’s business. Low-class or no class? Balch & Bingham partner Clark A. Cooper, who was abruptly fired on March 3, 2017 by the embattled law firm,  appears to have been the spearhead of the conspiracy that targeted and defamed Burt Newsome, a successful attorney who serviced banks, in an alleged attempt to steal his business. The defamation occurred after a staged arrest in which Newsome’s mugshot was allegedly distributed via email…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  Secret Star Chamber,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Removing Judge Carole Smitherman from the Bench

    Judge Smitherman stupidly trusted Balch & Bingham, who allegedly have made her now look like the most corrupt, dumbest, and most worthless jurist in the State of Alabama. Balch & Bingham’s trail of rotting carcasses may have one more soon: Judge Carole Smitherman. A petition for the removal of Balch’s biggest stooge from the bench is a realistic option now that it is known she dispatched 44 retaliatory orders in the Newsome Conspiracy Case all based on a counterfeit order. Judge Smitherman, who sealed the Newsome Conspiracy Case for over 500 days to allegedly hide criminal acts and perjury,  engaged…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Bo-hica! Counterfeit Order Burns Balch Allies

    Why would the Alabama Supreme Court direct a trial court to enter a counterfeit order if not asked to do so in court proceedings? Bo-hica! Bo-hica was a nickname given to an unfortunate college student who thought it was the name of a powerful Hawaiian king. Bo-hica can be applied to all the Balch & Bingham political allies, friends in legal circles, and judges throughout Alabama who allegedly have been asked to do favors on behalf of the embattled law firm. When the Alabama Supreme Court ordered Shelby County Judge Sonny Conwill to enter the counterfeit, fabricated, 100% bogus order affiliated…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  RICO,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Balch Clowns’ Counterfeit Order Divided Alabama Supreme Court

    On April 27, 2018, the Alabama Supreme Court issued the following order: IT IS ORDERED that the Circuit Court of Shelby County shall, pursuant to Rule 58(c), Ala. R. Civ. P., enter into the State Judicial Information System (SJIS) its June 8, 2016, order in which it vacated the previously-entered order expunging records relating to the district court criminal charge against Burton Wheeler Newsome. Two Supreme Court Justices (Shaw and Bryan)  dissented in part arguing the Supreme Court had no right to force a lower court to enter the counterfeit order into the system. The counterfeit order used as a…

  • Drummond,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Has Balch & Bingham Become a Career Killer?

    Balch & Bingham, the once-prestigious silk-stocking law firm appears to have become a career killer. Look at some of the victims: Drummond Company CEO Mike Tracy gone. Ex-Balch partner Jeffrey H. Wood shown the door at DOJ. Ex-Drummond executive Dave Roberson fired. Oliver Robinson sent to federal prison. Ex-Balch client Black Hall Aerospace facing federal probes. Ex-Balch stooge Trey Glenn of EPA forced to resign. Balch crony and U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired. Balch stooge Luther Strange loses U.S. Senate seat. As the carcasses stack up, some Balch & Bingham partners have wisely dumped the firm for greener pastures.…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Counterfeit Order, Judicial Fraud Rocks Balch & Bingham

    [Update: Counterfeit Order Divided Alabama Supreme Court] Is this just all a bad dream? Just when one thinks Balch & Bingham will retreat back from the ledge of corporate suicide, another bombshell lands that shows sheer stupidity and unequivocal corruption of the Alabama judicial system. Burt Newsome, the attorney who allegedly was wrongly targeted, falsely arrested, and defamed by Balch & Bingham and other co-conspirators has filed a 100-page appellate brief with the Alabama Supreme Court, and it is a devastating indictment of the Keystone Cops at Balch & Bingham. The cornerstone of all defendants’ legal arguments, the 44 retaliatory…

  • Drummond,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Breaking News: Drummond CEO Mike Tracy Out After Cuddling Balch & Bingham

    Just weeks after we highlighted the controversies surrounding Drummond Company’s foolish decision to goose-step with embattled law firm Balch & Bingham, Mike Tracy, the CEO of Drummond Company, is out as CEO. After two years at the top job, Tracy is retiring at the end of October. He was part of the Drummond family for over four decades. Although we have no bones to pick with the coal company, we lambasted the hypocritical decision by Drummond to fire ex-Drummond executive Dave Roberson in February after vowing to back him. (What happened to Drummond’s renowned loyalty to employees?) Worse, 12 days…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    What Did Balch’s Star Chamber Hide?

    Before the end of this month, Burt Newsome’s legal team will be filing his appellate brief with the Alabama Supreme Court in regards to the Newsome Conspiracy Case, an alleged conspiracy spearheaded by Balch & Bingham’s ex-partner Clark A. Cooper who is accused of wanting to steal Newsome’s lucrative legal practice of servicing banks. Two years ago this week, at the height of two federal probes, Balch & Bingham foolishly had their JeffCo stooge, Judge Carole Smitherman, seal the Newsome Conspiracy Case since its inception. Smitherman created a secretive “Star Chamber” where alleged criminal acts, perjury, and unsavory conduct were…

  • North Birmingham Bribery Case,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Balch & Bingham Unwittingly Creates a National Star: Keisha Brown

    Keisha Brown, a Birmingham mother, is “one of the go-to resident activists, quoted in countless news stories, a kind of environmental injustice spokesperson.”—Equal Voice News Although Balch & Bingham let go of their only female African-American attorney in Birmingham last spring, Balch & Bingham, through the criminal and unsavory conduct of their convicted ex-partner Joel I. Gilbert, unwittingly created a national star: Keisha Brown. Keisha Brown is a long-time African-American resident of North Birmingham who we, the CDLU, met almost two-years ago on visits to Harriman Park. We vowed to her that we would bring the spotlight on the plight…

  • Drummond,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Backstabbing Roberson for Balch & Bingham

    We present another satirical cartoon. Drummond Company CEO Mike Tracy is depicted backstabbing his former colleague and friend David Roberson six months after the company vowed to support him and calling Roberson  “a man of integrity.” Although we, the CDLU,  have no bones to pick with Drummond or Mike Tracy, we think their goose-step formation with Balch & Bingham only hurts the company. Drummond will forever be associated with the criminal conduct of former Balch & Bingham partner Joel I. Gilbert unless they make a break, a public break from the embattled law firm. As we reported earlier this year,…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  RICO,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Nervous Whispers: Collapse of LeClairRyan

    Yesterday, the leadership of the the respected law firm LeClairRyan out of Richmond, Virginia, announced they would be formally shutting down after 31 years. The Richmond Times-Dispatch described the firm: LeClairRyan was created in 1988 as a venture capital legal boutique operation to help entrepreneurs, startup businesses and venture capitalists. LeClairRyan grew from two attorneys into a full-service firm with hundreds of lawyers working at one time in more than two dozen offices and representing some of the largest corporations in the world. So why the closing? According to the Times-Dispatch: The decision comes at a time of continuing departures…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Stinging Slap Against Balch & Bingham Stooges in JeffCo

    Even Balch & Bingham’s closest political allies have had enough of the bull. Balch & Bingham stooges in JeffCo who foolishly uploaded an incomplete certified record of appeal of the Newsome Conspiracy Case that was intentionally missing thousands of pages of Burt Newsome’s pleadings, defenses, and oral argument transcripts were given a stinging slap in the face by the Alabama Supreme Court. Forty-eight hours after Newsome filed a Motion for Extension of Time due to the unprofessional and unsavory tactics, the Alabama Supreme Court issued an order stating: IT IS ORDERED that the Motion is treated as a Motion to…

  • Drummond,  Newsome Conspiracy Case,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Ugly! Roberson’s 90-year-old Mother-in-Law Targeted by Thugs

    Anna Roberson’s mother went to school with Garry Drummond. Why in heaven’s name would anyone do an act of vandalism against a respected, elderly woman? The vicious diatribe and back-and-forth regarding the treatment of ex-Drummond executive David Roberson and his wife Anna has hit a new low. Anna Roberson’s 90-year-old mother returned to her home in Jasper last week after a hospital stay to find the windows of her home shattered, both in the front yard and backyard. Nothing was stolen from the home. Nothing. Was it a message of intimidation and fear? Last summer, thugs smashed the car window…

  • North Birmingham Bribery Case,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Alabama Power’s Secret Deal Under Review

    Earlier this month we reported how Alabama Power’s CEO Mark Crosswhite could possibly be under scrutiny by the U.S. Department of Justice. Now we, the CDLU, are taking it a step further. We are asking  the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice and the House Judiciary Committee to review the alleged secret deal that prevented federal prosecutors from calling anyone from Alabama Power in the North Birmingham Bribery Trial last year. Alabama Power donated $30,000 to the corrupt AstroTurf entity Alliance for Jobs and the Economy (AJE) that laundered money to bought-and-paid for politician Oliver Robinson. Yet Alabama Power was…

  • Drummond,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Garry Drummond Would Have Backed The Robersons Over Balch & Bingham

    Is it of no coincidence that Drummond Company yanked support for Spring Valley School, a school for the developmentally disabled, 12 days after firing David Roberson? Guess who works at Spring Valley School? David and Anna Roberson’s daughter (pictured above right). Was Drummond President Mike Tracy trying to get her laid off? Why the sudden viciousness against the Roberson family? Mike Tracy ought to be ashamed and embarrassed. The late-Garry Drummond would have backed the Robersons over the bafoons at Balch & Bingham that allegedly provided bad legal advice to Drummond and its officers in regards to the North Birmingham…


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