• Newsome Conspiracy Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Manure Lagoon: Zeke Smith Out at Alabama Power

    So bad is the stench, Southern Company went outside the usual norm and did not promote an insider after Zeke’s exit. In between writing two hit pieces about F.L. “Bubba” Copeland, the Mayor of Smiths Station, Alabama who committed suicide last Friday, Craig Monger of 1819 News squeezed in a short fluff piece about the “retirement” of Zeke Smith, the Alabama Power executive who allegedly approved over $318,000 in expenditures to the obscure political consulting firm Matrix in Southern Company’s campaign of fear and terror against us, the CDLU, and the Newsome and Forbes families during the summer of 2020. As…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  RICO,  Southern Company

    Media Whores Fighting Over Doing Tricks for Clicks and Cash; Smear Job Leads to Tragic Suicide

    The horrific suicide of Smiths Station Mayor F.L. “Bubba” Copeland happened last Friday after a series of articles exposing his secret and private life by media outlet 1819 News, a mouthpiece for Southern Company and their wholly-owned-subsidiary Alabama Power. Yesterday, another Southern Company mouthpiece, Alabama Political Reporter viciously attacked 1819 News. Bill Britt, Editor-in-Chief, hypocritically wrote: 1819 News has demonstrated a brazen disregard for these nuances, seeking instead to brandish sensationalism under the guise of public interest. In the shadowed corridors of power and influence, those who finance 1819 News and similar organizations may prefer to remain unnamed, but in…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Southern Company’s Alleged Racist, Anti-Cop Stooge Reappears

    The $318,000 spent by Southern Company in the summer of 2020 was to pay multiple stooges to allegedly attack and impede the individual and Civil Rights of the Hispanic Family of K.B. Forbes, our Chief Executive Officer, who is the son of a Latino immigrant, in an orchestrated campaign of fear and intimidation. The start of that Southern Company campaign was to hire rabble-rouser Carlos M. Chaverst, Jr., to attack Forbes and allegedly create a race war between African Americans and Hispanics. Chaverst, a well-known activist who is allegedly racist and anti-cop, shot the first salvo in the Southern Company…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Bogus Balch! Scurrilous Southern Company! Racial Inclusion is a Grand Illusion

    A report from Law.com appears to confirm what critics of the embattled law firm Balch & Bingham have repeatedly declared: The diversity and inclusion efforts at Balch look like nothing more than phony fluff and bogus spin. Law.com reports: Some southeastern law firms were first-time participants this year among the group of firms that were certified or recertified under the Mansfield Rule leadership diversity initiative. Now in its sixth year, this year’s Mansfield certification asked law firms to consider lawyers from historically underrepresented groups for leadership roles, equity partner promotions, client pitch opportunities and more at a rate of at…

  • North Birmingham Bribery Case,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Third-Party Risk! Florida Town Council Rejects Balch & Bingham; Embattled Law Firm Offered to Work for “Flat Fee”

    Can the situation get any worse for Balch & Bingham? The Town Council of Orange Park, Florida has rejected a bid from the law firm. Not a single council member voted for Balch, one of three firms contending to provide legal services to the town, according to local news reports. Worse, Patrick Krechowski, a Balch partner, “said that the majority of services for Balch & Bingham would be covered under a flat fee…” A flat fee for a law firm with over 200 attorneys? Unheard of! Could Balch be so desperate or in such bad financial shape that they are…

  • North Birmingham Bribery Case,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Another Blow: Globe Life Terminates Balch & Bingham

    On Friday, Politico.com reported that Globe Life has terminated the embattled law firm Balch & Bingham as their lobbyists in Washington, D.C. Balch saw 18 of 18 major clients terminate the firm between 2017 and 2020 due in part to our educational and advocacy efforts. According to Open Secrets, Balch appears to have garnered five newer, monthly paying lobbying clients: two utilities out of Texas, O’Neal Industries, Scatr LLC, and McWane, their highest paying client. Currently, two former Balch attorneys are sitting in federal prison; one for bribery and money laundering, the other for possession of kiddie porn. The criminal…

  • Drummond,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  RICO,  Southern Company

    Southern Company Retaliatory Shooting? DOJ, SEC, NRC, and FBI Briefed

    Southern Company ought to be ashamed about this disgraceful act of violence. Is Southern Company’s longtime consultant Joe Perkins simply out of control? Is the Oompa Loompa of Alabama politics, who is paid millions by the utility, finally being shown the door by Southern Company? What would cause an unknown and alleged Southern Company goon to shoot a .22 projectile into a perceived adversary’s bedroom window? The U.S. Attorney of the Northern District of Alabama Prim Escalona, U.S. Department of Justice leaders in Washington, D.C., the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI office in Birmingham, investigators at the U.S.…

  • Drummond,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Southern Company Unhinged! Forbes Family Window Shot At; 6-year-old’s Play Area Targeted

    Just hours after BanBalch.com published the bombshell story that Southern Company engaged in an alleged surveillance effort of U.S. Department of Justice officials and former U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town, an unknown and alleged Southern Company stooge apparently shot at CDLU’s Executive Director K.B. Forbes’ bedroom window, in the rear of his house. The .22 caliber projectile hit the window and was believed to have been shot from the fence behind Forbes’ home. Four sheriff deputies came to Forbes’ home and federal investigators are being briefed. The Forbes Family lives in a gated community so the shooting was not random…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Bombshell: Southern Company Surveillance Effort of U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town Exposed

    Unbelievable! The jaw-dropping photos we obtained and published in 2020 of then-U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama Jay E. Town chugging cocktails with then-Chairman and CEO of Alabama Power Mark A. Crosswhite were allegedly paid for by Southern Company in a deep, covert surveillance effort of the U.S. Attorney’s office. According to a high-level source in Atlanta, Southern Company allegedly paid Matrix, LLC to spearhead a covert surveillance effort of U.S. Department of Justice officials and prosecutors in Birmingham. The release of the photos was done intentionally to send a message to Town: Southern Company owns your ass.…

  • Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Packing their Bags! Balch Sugarcoats Office Move in Montgomery

    The embattled law firm Balch & Bingham is in such a precarious situation, they had to move from their long-time office in Montgomery to another location less than a mile away. In a press release last week , Balch foolishly claims the move “will provide for a more modern, efficient working space as the firm strengthens its commitment to providing exceptional legal services to clients throughout the state.” Problem with this sugarcoated nonsense is the move began in June, not last week, not last month. Insiders claim the move was an austerity decision to save resources. The move in June…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Muppets! Southern Company’s BOD Under Fire; Illegal Surveillance and Invasion of Privacy Misconduct Out of Control

    In May, Baker Donelson and American Family settled a $13.1 billion dollar lawsuit involving the surveillance of a family. Southern Company and its hired stooges at Matrix, LLC engaged in illegal surveillance of the Newsome and Forbes familes. But there is an enormous difference. The family spied on by AmFam and Baker Donelson were involved in a million-dollar but tangled personal injury lawsuit with AmFam and Baker Donelson. Surveillance from a distance is allowed in personal injury lawsuits. The Newsome and Forbes family were in no shape or form involved in any litigation involving Southern Company. The Forbes and Newsome…

  • RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    The Big Reveal: Why Did Southern Company Viciously Go After Newsome, Forbes, and the CDLU?

    While documents, expenditures, and insiders close to Southern Company’s executive leadership have verified and confirmed that the criminal enterprise engaged in surveillance, targeted, harassed, and spearheaded a campaign of fear and intimidation against the Newsome family, the Forbes family, and the CDLU, the key question brought up by federal investigators, regulators, and others is: Why? We have learned that Mark A. Crosswhite, the disgraced ex-CEO and Chairman of Alabama Power, was allegedly furious in January of 2020 when we published jaw-dropping photos of him slamming back cocktails with then-U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town. Town, being investigated by the Office of…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Baker Donelson, AmFam Sued for $13.1 Billion Over Illegal Surveillance; Is Southern Company Next?

    A headline story in Law.com rocked the legal community in 2021. A respected law firm came under fire for conducting illegal surveillance and video recording of a woman and her family. Law.com reported: The long-lived, knotty personal injury case that … ultimately settled for $11 million has spun off yet more litigation, with a new complaint accusing Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, American Family Insurance and a local private investigation company of illegally surveilling and video-recording the plaintiff and her family. Fittingly, the new complaint seeks big money: more than $13.1 billion and change in punitive damages. Plus attorney fees.   The…

  • Mississippi Controversy,  RICO,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Piglets of Pork: Balch & Bingham Sucks on Million-Dollar Government Nipple for Apparent Survival

    When The Washington Post wrote an indepth article on the Balch & Bingham’s rental assistance debacle in Mississippi in September of 2021, we accurately called the embattled firm “government-made millionaires” that survived on contractual cronyism. Balch & Bingham reaped millions while renters, many of whom were People of Color, received nothing, according to The Washinghon Post. Now the Piglets of Pork look like they continue to survive on government contracts. 1819 reports: Alabama’s Contract Review Committee held a meeting Thursday during which it approved a $600,000 increase in a legal contract for Balch & Bingham law firm to represent the Alabama…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Flopped! Balch & Bingham’s Humiliating Debacle in Texas

    Two years ago, after opening a new office in Austin, Balch predicted they would grow to 25 to 30 attorneys in the Lone Star State. Balch crowed that they had seven lawyers in Houston in a news report published that June of 2021. Now, today, Balch has been decimated and only three lawyers remain in Houston, with one of them actually based in Birmingham. From seven to three. Balch’s total number of attorneys in the Lone Star State is in the single digits, nowhere near 25 or 30. What a humiliating debacle! Cherry-picking the best of the best, Balch’s competitors…


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