Drummond, Elderly Exploitation Scandal, Newsome Conspiracy Case, North Birmingham Bribery Case, Southern Company, Spotlight on Balch & Bingham
Happy 4th Birthday to BanBalch.com!
This month we reached our fourth birthday and we want to thank YOU our dear readers.
We hope you had a safe and pleasant Spring Break, and also hope that you and your loved ones were not impacted by the horrific tornadoes from last week.
We will continue to report about the alleged criminal, egregious, and unsavory conduct of Balch & Bingham and their sister-wife Alabama Power, especially now with the Biden Administration taking a hard swing at environmental racism.
Expect more fireworks in the next year!
Look at some of the possibilities:
- Balch & Bingham’s alleged elderly exploitation scandal could result in potential criminal charges.
- If verified, Alabama Power’s alleged toxic ash pond at Miller Steam Plant could rock Southern Company and bring an end to Mark A. Crosswhite’s leadership at the utility.
- The alleged secret Ketona Lakes site could destabilize Drummond Company if the EPA probes alleged environmental racism and a cover-up.
- The harassment and criminal conduct by Balch boosters, defenders, and paid agents could lead to a deeper scandal.
- The rebirth of the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal by federal investigators will most likely cause the Three Stooges (Balch, Alabama Power, and Drummond) to have a meltdown and uncontrolled panic attack, again.
- Alabama Power’s “blood money” support of the Rule of Law Defense Fund that allegedly helped instigate the insurrection on January 6th could lead to further investigations of their political contributions.
- Finally and not least, the Newsome Conspiracy Case will be headed to federal court.