• Elderly Exploitation Scandal,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Crumbling! Balch Forced to Pull Former Partner Out of Retirement; Top D.C. Lobbyist Leaves Balch

    Balch’s alleged womb to tomb misconduct appears to have devastated the once prestigious, silk-stocking law firm. None of the hottest stars of the legal profession appear to want to be associated with the embattled law firm Balch & Bingham. Two former Balch attorneys are sitting in federal prison. One is serving 5 years for money laundering and bribery and the other is serving more than 8 years for possession of kiddie porn. Balch was forced to pull former partner Clark Watson out of retirement after Balch’s banking and financial services practice suffered several crippling blows, culminating with the recent exit…

  • North Birmingham Bribery Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Astounding! Legacy Partner Anulewicz Dumps Balch & Bingham for Bradley

    After nearly two decades as a top partner at Balch’s Atlanta office, Christopher S. Anulewicz has dumped the embattled law firm. He has joined the law firm Bradley. Two years ago, we asked, “Will the Anulewicz Family Dump Balch & Bingham?” Anulewicz’s wife is Georgia State Representative Teri Anulewicz (D). We applaud Chris and Teri for making the intelligent decision. In November of 2017, we wrote about two honorable and respected Balch & Bingham partners who were fighting corruption in Georgia, Anulewicz and Mike Bowers, both based in Atlanta. We asked at the time, “Will the Good Guys Bail on Balch?” A…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  RICO,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Bradley Buyout of Balch? Balch’s Banking Practice Implodes

    The hot ? rumor on the street is that the ever growing Bradley law firm may buyout embattled law firm Balch & Bingham. Bradley swallowed up the majority of Balch’s Houston team this summer, including the Managing Partner of the Houston office, and picked off 17 year-legacy partner W. Brad Neighbors. In a news article today posted on the Birmingham Business Journal, Bradley welcomed Neighbors to the firm to “enhance our robust banking and financial services offerings to our clients.” Robust indeed. The stunning move comes after 31-year Balch legacy partner Jesse S. Vogtle, Randolph H. Lanier, Eric T. Ray,…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  RICO,  Secret Star Chamber,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    The Vow that Killed Balch & Bingham and Alleged Conspirators

    When the illustrious Schuyler Allen Baker, Jr., General Counsel of Balch & Bingham, vowed in 2017 that he would “fight to the death” before resolving the Newsome Conspiracy Case, he was affirming what Claiborne Seier (above, left) allegedly vowed to Burt Newsome in 2012: Newsome would be destroyed for pursuing a criminal case against Seier’s brother Alfred Seier, who pulled a gun on Newsome. In October of 2020, Baker died. Now, late last month, Claiborne Seier died. Balch justified their actions against Newsome by claiming in court documents that Balch had the right to “ruin a rival.” Instead, Balch ruined…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Receivership for Vogtle? Southern Company Scrutiny Soars with Rebirth of North Birmingham Bribery Trial and Targeting of Innocent Children

    The enormity of Southern Company’s alleged wrongdoing is unprecedented. Now that two-time Pulitzer Prize winning journalist John Archibald has pealed back the alleged blatant corruption of the Alabama judicial system by the Southern Company criminal enterprise in regard to the ridiculous sealing of the rebirth of the North Birmingham Bribery Trial, the Office of Investigations at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission can finally tell the commissioners to place the Vogtle Nuclear Plant into receivership, with a third-party administrator. The Office of Investigations “develops policy, procedures, and quality control standards for investigations of licensees, applicants, their contractors or vendors, including the…

  • Drummond,  Newsome Conspiracy Case,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    The Stench of Lies and Criminal Acts: Southern Company Racketeering Enterprise Successfully Erodes Alabama Judiciary

    An employment matter? That is a large spoonful of human waste. Two-time Pulitzer Prize winning journalist John Archibald has ripped the legal mockery and lies of a Southern Company stooge blocking access to ex-Drummond executive David Roberson’s $75 million civil lawsuit against embattled law firm Balch& Bingham and Drummond Company. Southern Company’s criminal racketeering enterprise is in full-throttle, on overdrive. In a skewering, Archibald writes: You want to know what happened when a former coal company executive – one convicted in the bribery of former Alabama Rep. Oliver Robinson – sued his powerful bosses and their powerful lawyers for putting him in…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Top Order from Alabama Power: Destroy Newsome! Balch and Matrix Alleged Agents of Doom

    Escalating a highly-anticipated civil RICO lawsuit, a high-level source who was once part of the inner-circle of disgraced ex-Alabama Power CEO Mark A. Crosswhite alleges that the order to destroy innocent victim Burt Newsome came from the top. Crosswhite allegedly was doing a favor for an elite Mountain Brook friend that falsely blamed Newsome for financial woes after a successful collection effort was made on behalf of a financial institution that Newsome represented. The allegations confirm what we wrote last December: The alleged Alabama Power/Southern Company criminal enterprise was not only involved in intimidating, smearing, and destroying perceived enemies of Alabama Power,…

  • Drummond,  Newsome Conspiracy Case,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  RICO,  Southern Company

    Farce! Internal Probe at Southern Company Conducted by Crosswhite Confidant

    Children were targeted, terrorized, and caused to cry in fear by Southern Company. And for what fudiciary duty to shareholders ? None. Zero. Zilch. Southern Company had the testicular fortitude to foolishly tell The Wall Street Journal that “it has no idea who ordered the [surveillance] operation or why” of Southern Company’s Executive Chairman Tom Fanning and his then-girlfriend in 2017. Observers unanimously agree that Southern Company appears to be lying to and intentionally misleading the public. The million-dollar internal probe’s conclusion is now seen as a farce. Why? Because the most trusted advisor and confidant of Mark A. Crosswhite,…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    On Fire! Southern Company Criminal Misconduct Allegations Escalate and Solidify

    Top executives at Southern Company appear to have lied repeatedly, consistently, and habitually. What a hot mess! Claiming that a million-dollar internal probe did not find out who authorized or why a surveillance effort was conducted against ex-Southern Company CEO Tom Fanning and his then-girlfriend in 2017, Southern Company looks like a sack of lying fools at best or a bunch of incompetent imbeciles at worst. Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal report appears to solidify and escalate the criminal misconduct allegations against Southern Company, and shows an epic size hole in their compliance, regulatory, and oversight executive team. No one believes…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  RICO,  Southern Company

    Mumbo Jumbo! No Mystery who Paid for Southern Company Surveillance Operations

    Southern Company prematurely states, “We have moved on.” We, the CDLU, have not. A report published by The Wall Street Journal today outlining the “mystery” corporate surveillance operations at Southern Company has spurred more scrutiny in that Southern Company claims “it has no idea who ordered the operation or why.” “Southern Company is using mumbo jumbo words. Southern Company paid for the surveillance, and they do not deny the expenditures at all,” said Ernesto Pichardo, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the CDLU. “Last year, according to news reports, Southern Company paid a generous financial settlement to former…

  • North Birmingham Bribery Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Town Probe Over; SEC, DOJ Investigations of Southern Company Escalate; NRC Digs Into Svinicki

    The correspondence we received recently from the Office of Professional Responsibility at the U.S. Department of Justice was clear: the probe of disgraced ex-U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town is over. “We are taking no further action,” they wrote, which reveals that an alleged deal was cut in 2020. The quid pro quo: the abrupt resignation of Town meant he wouldn’t be investigated or prosecuted for criminal misconduct, especially now since he is no longer a U.S. Attorney No further action, indeed. Even though Town is off the hook, insiders claim that the criminal probe of Southern Company’s criminal enterprise is…

  • Drummond,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Ex-Balch & Bingham Attorneys are Now Federal Prison Inmates 04104-510 and 35504-001

    Convicted pedophile and ex-Balch & Bingham attorney Chase T. Espy is now inmate 04104-510 at the Federal Penitentiary in Atlanta, Georgia, while ex-Balch partner Joel I. Gilbert, convicted of money laundering and bribery in the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal, is inmate 35504-001 at the Federal Prison Camp in Montgomery, Alabama. Balch has boasted these last five-years of expanding their footprint in the Southeast, and now the embattled firm can add two convicted felons in Atlanta and Montgomery. Both convicted felons represented Southern Company, one of Balch’s top clients currently in the middle of a sex and accounting scandal. With only…

  • RICO,  Southern Company

    Simmering Southern Company Sex Scandal Shakes Stopgap Appointments and Stirs Suspicious Minds

    Southern Company’s annual shareholders meeting yesterday was a façade hiding the allegations of sexual misconduct and accounting fraud that has shaken up the stopgap appointments of Southern Company Chairman and CEO Chris Womack and Alabama Power Chairman and CEO Jeff Peoples. Executives at the embattled utility must retire at 65 years of age. The retirement age is mandatory. Womack is 64 while Peoples was 63 when he was appointed in January. The bombshell insider reports by DonaldWatkins.com has caused the senior management to try to find the leakers. Top sources are now tightlipped and in lock down mode caused by…

  • Drummond,  Newsome Conspiracy Case,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  RICO,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Speechless! Steamy Sex Scandal About to Rock Southern Company; Mistresses Allegedly Paid Off in Millions

    DonaldWatkins.com is about to document a steamy, illicit sex scandal allegedly involving millions of Southern Company’s shareholder dollars. The investigative report comes as Southern Company faces a highly anticipated civil RICO lawsuit, an ongoing SEC probe, an investigative review after numerous complaints were filed with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Agency, and alleged investigation(s) by the U.S. Department of Justice. Donald Watkins writes: One important fact was never disclosed to the 9 million Southern Company customers who were forced to pay these rate increases: These utility companies used millions of dollars of customer money each year to pay the mistresses and…

  • RICO,  Southern Company

    Holy Tanaka! Southern Company Pays Hush Money to Fanning’s Ex-Girlfriend and the Spy who Infiltrated Her Life

    Ex-Alabama Power Chairman and CEO Mark A. Crosswhite was ousted in November for spying on his boss Tom Fanning, the Chairman and CEO of Southern Company, in 2017 and his then-girlfriend, Kim Tanaka. Tanaka is a beautiful, dedicated, hard-working and “pleasant to the eyes” gym instructor. The surveillance in 2017 was to find evidence of a bisexual tryst to blackmail and force Fanning to step down so that Crosswhite could take over. But Fanning was a heterosexual male, killing the scheme. But the surveillance appears to have never ended. Holy Tanaka! DonaldWatkins.com reports: On September 22, 2022, Kimberly Tanaka finally…


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