Matrix Meltdown: “Influencing Litigation,” Secret Star Chambers, and Criminal Obstruction of Justice
What a week. What a month. And we’re only on day 5.
In “Jittery Jeff” Pitts’ court filing earlier this week, he outlines alleged misconduct by Matrix’s founder “Sloppy Joe” Perkins including allegedly setting up phony groups and digital websites to intimidate individuals while influencing litigation.
Is Pitts referring to the North Birmingham Bribery Trial, David Roberson’s $75 million civil lawsuit, or the Newsome Conspiracy Case? Or all three?
All three litigated cases involve alleged criminal obstruction of justice.
Alabama Power and their sister-wife Balch & Bingham were involved in all three cases, two of which were sealed in their entirety, creating secret Star Chambers where no public information is available.
Alabama Power was “unmentionable” during the North Birmingham Bribery Trial and allegedly disgraced ex-U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town let this travesty of justice occur.
Over 20 other Balch attorneys were allegedly involved in the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal and numerous Alabama Power executives were briefed regularly on the developments.
Now people are asking, was Town’s bullshit “lone wolves” theory a Matrix creation?

Town resigned months after we published photos of Town inappropriately slamming-back cocktails with Alabama Power Chairman and CEO and ex-Balch partner Mark A. Crosswhite, allegedly during the height of the North Birmingham Bribery Trial.
While Alabama Power’s parent company Southern Company denied any involvement in Newsome’s case, we later learned that the cop-son of a now-retired Alabama Power executive ( Vice President of Environmental Affairs) was involved in the staged arrest of Newsome.
Was Matrix involved in any way with the Newsome Conspiracy Case, as Sloppy Joe’s daughter claims?
Balch used all its political might and a counterfeit order to “beat” Newsome. In the end, Balch won a $242,000 judgment while losing tens of millions (if not $100 million) in client fees and lobbying fees, while legacy partners left in droves.

In Roberson’s civil case, Balch, Drummond Company, and Alabama Power panicked and vigorously sought protective orders. The case was sealed. While no information is available on the case or proceedings, David Roberson appears to have been set up as a “fall guy.” His lawyer, Burt Newsome of the Newsome Conspiracy Case, was hit head-on in 2020 and his law firm’s bank check book was stolen in the middle of the night.
The tactics have utterly failed, and actually appear to have backfired.
As federal investigators probe these allegations of criminal obstruction of justice and the abuse of the judicial system in Alabama , the curiosity of what explosive developments could come to light during Jeff Pitts’ deposition becomes even more interesting.