The Tale of Two Marks! Alabama Power Fumbles as Congress Eyes Corporate Investigations
The best part of the Tale of Two Marks is their footnote on page 10 saying Alabama Power “was a victim of those who ran AJE.” Cry us a polluted river!
On December 18, we reported that the rebirth of the North Birmingham Bribery Case had caused uncontrolled panic at Alabama Power, at Drummond Company and with the stooges tied to Balch & Bingham.
We wrote, “Obviously, the world now knows that discovery, production of documents, and depositions in the rebirth case appear to be paramount. The panic has raised even more questions.”
Trying to obscure their panic, Mark A. Crosswhite, the former Balch partner and CEO of Alabama Power, fumbled the ball by having his team of attorneys at White, Arnold, & Dowd, led by white-collar criminal attorney Mark White, file an avalanche of court pleadings in December at the courthouse in office, over the counter as if were 1950 not 2020. (We wonder if Mark White still uses a rotary phone, stencil duplicator, and Royal typewriter.)
The delay and “hiding the goods” tactic failed.
The paper court pleadings were scanned and uploaded by the clerk to Alacourt where we, the CDLU, were able to download them.
The two Marks offered a 22-page pleading asking for a protective order in part because of us, the CDLU and this website, BanBalch.com, and now the two Marks appear to look like fools.
Alabama Power whines that we outlined correctly that Alabama Power, Mark Crosswhite and “an all-star reunion show” would be subpoenaed in the rebirth of the North Birmingham Conspiracy Case falsely saying we, the CDLU, had advanced knowledge.
No, it is called logic.
The best part of the Tale of Two Marks is their footnote on page 10 saying Alabama Power “was a victim of those who ran AJE.” Cry us a polluted river!
Excuse us but the money-laundering entity of the Alliance for Jobs and the Economy (AJE) was the alleged brainchild of Alabama Power while emails from convicted Balch-made millionaire Joel I. Gilbert discussing the scheme were sent to Alabama Power while convicted ex-Drummond executive David Roberson in some instances was simply carbon-copied. Alabama Power was briefed regularly.
The Tale of Two Marks also discusses our post on Jeffrey H. Wood, the ex-Balch & Bingham lobbyist who was on Capitol Hill in 2016 being briefed on the North Birmingham CERCLA matter at the height of the bribery scandal on behalf of Alabama Power, calling information on Wood’s lobbying efforts “irrelevant.”

What really angered the Two Marks is the alleged secret deal with disgraced U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town in which Alabama Power was “unmentionable” during the criminal trial, calling the allegations a “conspiracy theory.”
Sorry fellows. The jaw-dropping photos of Town and Crosswhite at the Moon Shine Lounge are not a “conspiracy theory.”
This week, Law360 reported that the United States Congress is going to probe and investigate corporate misconduct, writing:
With a Democrat in the White House, veterans of congressional investigations expect Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill to shift most oversight to the private sector…. “The Democratic control of both Congress and the White House means that committees won’t be spending as much time and energy on administration oversight,” said Alyssa DaCunha, a WilmerHale partner who has spent a decade working on investigations. “We’re telling our private-sector clients to buckle up and get ready for a bumpy ride.”
“It’s the job of Congress to investigate what’s going on in the country, to identify injustice and abuse, and to use investigative powers to develop appropriate remedies that should be enacted into law,” said Robert Weissman, president of the advocacy group Public Citizen. “What area of corporate conduct doesn’t need oversight?”
They also forecast a focus on environmental impact, competition and racial equity.
Like their arrogant sister-wife Balch & Bingham, Alabama Power has yet to apologize to the African-American community of North Birmingham at a minimum for their financial support of AJE and the environmental racism caused by AJE.

In the Tale of Two Marks, the pleading for a Motion for a Protective Order was filed over the counter on December 23, 2020. The order was granted on January 4, 2021 and the Two Marks probably let out a temporary sigh of relief.
But now, today, this very month, U.S. Congressional leaders and investigators are being briefed on the matter and we are using this 22-page Tale of Two Marks as an example, an extraordinary example, of how Alabama Power and parent company Southern Company, ignore their own corporate involvement in environmental racism, attempt to play the victim, and continue to hide and conceal alleged misconduct while attacking those who dare confront “the most powerful man in Alabama.”
Congress, and the Biden Administration, must and will investigate the alleged secret deal, the environmental racism, and possible prosecutorial misconduct surrounding the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal, regardless of what foolishness Mark and Mark provide.