Newsome Conspiracy Case,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

Balch’s Misdeeds Will Rock Washington, D.C. in 2019

Stan Blanton, Managing Partner of Balch & Bingham, may have thought the worst was over in 2018. If he did, he is dead wrong.

The new leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives is more than interested in the economic racism and environmental injustice that happened in North Birmingham.

And so is the national media. A major exposé will be coming out soon on Balch & Bingham; convicted felon and Balch-made millionaire Joel I. Gilbert;  and Balch stooges Trey Glenn and Scott Phillips.

Jeffrey H. Wood, the Balch lobbyist who was named Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division of the U.S. Department of Justice as a last minute appointment by ex-Attorney General Jeff Sessions before Sessions was fired, will probably be dragged before a congressional committee or two this year since Wood had his fingerprints on the North Birmingham debacle.

The criminal trials of Glenn and Phillips, and appeal by ex-partner Gilbert, will garner more negative publicity for Balch & Bingham as should major reports about the Newsome Conspiracy Case and an eventual civil RICO lawsuit.

We won’t be surprised if more money-making partners, the few remaining Balch lobbying clients in Washington, D.C., and major Balch clients like Costco or BBVA Compass dump the firm for alleged institutional racism and unsavory conduct regardless of what fluff or chicken leg pazoolas Balch counters with.

Happy New Year Stan!


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