Have Balch and Drummond Agreed to a Murder-Suicide Pact?
Let’s first talk about Drummond Company.
We have no bones to pick with Drummond; we believe the company was given bad legal advice by Balch & Bingham; and before the criminal trial we even thought that David Roberson could be acquitted.
Then six-months after his criminal conviction and Drummond’s vow to support a “man of integrity,” Drummond fired David Roberson and 12 days later his charity of choice.
Roberson filed a $50 million civil lawsuit against Balch and Drummond.
Roberson is now considering singing like a canary and he probably has a stockpile of dry powder that federal investigators would love to hear about which may include the intricate details of an alleged bribery ring, alleged pay-offs to political office holders to get ghost-written letters signed, and other alleged unsavory and illegal acts.
Roberson’s testimony could be detrimental, even fatal.
So we ask, has Drummond Company agreed to a murder-suicide pact with Balch & Bingham?
Instead of taking their own independent, legal route, Drummond has joined Balch & Bingham in their fight against David Roberson’s lawsuit, including using Balch’s ridiculous arguments based on a brief that excluded a key phrase of law.
One very important Washington, D.C. contact frankly told us last week that we, the CDLU, have successfully kept the corrupt acts of Balch & Bingham and Drummond Company alive, a year after the criminal convictions of Balch-made millionaire Joel I. Gilbert and David Roberson.
But we haven’t; Balch and Drummond have.
By making irrational, unintelligent decisions.
After the criminal convictions, Balch should have resolved and settled the Newsome Conspiracy Case swiftly.
Balch didn’t.
Instead, Balch’s secretive, unconstitutional and criminal Star Chamber lived to over 500 days where their stooge, Judge Carole Smitherman, attempted to engage in further acts of injustice by keeping the record sealed permanently, approving $192,000 in redacted and illegible attorney fees against Burt Newsome, and by allegedly stalling the certification of the record for the appeal by over six months with thousands of pages missing.
In the interim, we have uncovered stunning and embarrassing facts that have only helped solidify a civil RICO case against Balch and spur more investigations.
Drummond Company’s most recent actions appear to show a company that has received additional bad advice instead of remaining independent, vibrant, and loyal to its employees.
Joining Balch & Bingham on their foolish and dark march towards the edge of a cliff is more than stupid; it’s suicidal.
Mike Tracy, CEO of Drummond Company, needs counseling and an intervention.
The suicide hotline is open, and we, the CDLU, are here ready to serve our community from additional pain and suffering, and that includes our neighbors at Drummond Company and Balch.