Attempted Murder by Southern Company? Ongoing Investigation Reveals Explosive New Evidence Linking Crosswhite Advisor to Newsome Head-On, Near-Death Collision
We’ve said it before: there is no such thing as a coincidence in Alabama.
And now the connections to the Southern Company criminal enterprise are solidifying on a case of what some would call attempted murder.
In 2019, we, the CDLU, uncovered the fact that the cop that pulled over Burt Newsome in his staged arrest in 2013 was the son of an Alabama Power executive. The executive was also a long-time client of Balch & Bingham.
Now, with a highly anticipated civil RICO lawsuit in the works, the corruption of law enforcement is getting a deep review.
How many other abuses under the authority of color has Southern Company’s criminal enterprise engaged in?
The CDLU, working with investigators, has found stunning evidence in the near-death, head-on car collision of Burt Newsome. The investigation is currently ongoing.
The accident occurred on September 10, 2020, at the height of the aggressive campaign of terror by Southern Company’s criminal enterprise against Newsome and his family.

Southern Company paid for luggage to be sent to the Newsome family as a threat to his wife and four young kids. Creating fear, Newsome’s wife was targeted, and her car window was smashed in.
Two weeks before the head-on accident, Southern Company paid for a smear site that falsely called Newsome a rapist.
Newsome refused to end the Newsome Conspiracy Case and refused to drop ex-Drummond executive David Roberson’s $75 million civil lawsuit.
Even with all the threats and lies, Newsome was not intimidated.
Was the car accident planned as the ultimate way to end both lawsuits? Death?
Highly unusual, a State Trooper arrived on the scene only minutes after the accident, as if he were a fox in waiting.
The accident occurred on a County Road and in Shelby County only Sheriff Deputies can draft up an accident report; State Troopers are called only when a fatality is involved.
Were they expecting Newsome to be dead?
The accident report by the State Trooper is completely inaccurate and photos taken at the scene prove that the accident report was deliberately misleading.
The accident report’s attempts to show that the person who hit Newsome was simply making a left turn and that Newsome hit him straight up. That is false.
Newsome was driving a blue Volkswagen Jetta and the other driver was driving a green Ford Explorer.
Newsome saw the person appearing to come straight at him and Newsome made a defensive move and swerved to his left just beyond a yellow “suicide” lane. However, the driver of the other vehicle then turned to his right and appears to have gunned it towards Newsome.

The accident report attempts to imply that the accident happened as Newsome was entering the intersection. It did not.
A photo taken at the scene clearly shows that the entrance and center of the intersection is clear. You can clearly see the yellow “suicide” lane

The side-by-side graphic below shows what the state trooper filed and what would be a more accurate visualization of the accident where the wheels of the Ford Explorer were actually turned to the right. In addition, the accident report attempts to show that Newsome (Car #2) was going straight and then moved to his right, a falsity. The opposite is true.

The State Trooper attempted to prevent photos from being taken. A photo taken from another angle of the accident shows that the Ford Explorer’s left tire is also facing to the right.

When you look at the photos and compare them to the accurate visualization, the state trooper’s report is definitively inaccurate and wrong.

But more troubling than the photos and inaccurate if not false accident report is the narrative provided by the state trooper.
In the narrative, the trooper states that the driver of the green Ford Explorer stated, “as he was going to make his left turn another car in front of him was making a right turn on County Road 11, and he did not see vehicle #2 behind the non-contact vehicle and as the non-contact turned right he was turning left and vehicle #2 entered the intersection and struck him.”
That is absurd and impossible!
You cannot turn right going westbound or you will end up on a mound of dirt.
Even if a car coming in the opposite direction was turning to the right, there is a dedicated right turning lane.
Nothing would be obscured.

The ongoing investigation has not only found that the accident report was severely inaccurate and at times false, there is now solid evidence of connections between the state trooper and a known business associate of Mark White, the most trusted advisor of disgraced ex-CEO of Alabama Power, Mark A. Crosswhite.
White is a white-collar criminal attorney who represents Alabama Power and attended the North Birmingham Bribery Trial every day, according to court observers.
The business associate also appears to be linked to the individual(s) who allegedly filed the false police report in 2013 that led to Newsome’s staged arrest in the Newsome Conspiracy Case by the son of an Alabama Power executive.
Investigators are digging deep into the relationships between the state trooper, White’s business associate, and the driver of the green Ford Explorer who allegedly works at Norfolk Southern, a Southern Company transportation provider.
Burt Newsome is an Iron Man and has vigorously fought back against the corrupt judicial system and co-conspirators. After the accident, he rehabilitated himself and has successfully grown a respected law office with more clients, more victories, and precedent-setting decisions.
Investigators are asking, since Newsome would not give-in, did Crosswhite order the final solution? Was Mark White stupid enough “to follow orders?”
This is an ongoing investigation, and we will provide further updates.