Damaging: Pitts Deposition Explodes! Are Alleged Criminal Acts tied to Three Stooges Ready to be Exposed?
The Matrix Meltdown has caused serious blows between founder “Sloppy Joe” Perkins and his once-protégé “Jittery Jeff ” Pitts.
As we mentioned last week, Pitts has been subpoenaed for a deposition by Perkins’ legal team.
Now the question is: What damaging information will Pitts reveal in his deposition?
After last week’s bombshell report in The Guardian, Perkins’ legal team whined and cried to the media.
AL.com reported last Friday:
Cason Kirby, an attorney representing Perkins in the fraud lawsuit, called the Guardian story “unfair,” pointing out that the basis for the series of stories was based on emails from Pitts and other “rogue employees.”
Really, no influence to peddle? What an absolutely ridiculous statement to issue.

As we pointed out before, Cason Kirby’s wife has worked at Matrix longer than they have been married. He may be conflicted with unusual pillow talk.
And Pitts dropped a double whammy on Friday: his legal team subpoenaed both Alabama Power and Southern Company for documents and files all related to “Sloppy Joe” and Matrix from at least 2015 through 2020.
Are Matrix’s alleged dirty deeds and alleged criminal acts ready to be exposed?
Will Pitts’ attorneys hand over damaging information to the feds?
Will executives, goons, and thugs of the Three Stooges (Balch, Drummond, and Alabama Power) rush to cooperate with federal investigators?
Keeping Alabama Power “unmentionable” during the North Birmingham Bribery Trial is nothing compared to what looks like a network of paid consultants, stooges and actors that appear to intimidate critics and engage in truly unsavory acts.
Will “Jittery Jeff” expose the worst of the alleged dirty deeds?
- The alleged shooting of ex-Drummond executive David Roberson’s car window on Highway 280 in Birmingham.
- The car accident that almost killed Balch & Bingham target Burt Newsome.
- The paid plumbers who stole Newsome’s checkbook in the middle of the night.
- The religious apostle and others hired to target us, the CDLU, and our leadership only to stupidly terrorize the wrong family at the wrong address.
- Alleged payments to media outlets and journalists including some possibly tied to a journalist’s brain amputation.
This is no longer a laughing matter.
The stakes are extremely high.
Mark A. Crosswhite of Alabama Power, Blake Andrews of Drummond, and the leadership at Balch have much to worry about.
And as we mentioned in April, journalists and federal investigators are zeroing in.The Guardian stories appear to be part of that broad effort.
“Jittery Jeff ” didn’t simply walk away from a long-term mentor. He may have seen some alleged unethical or criminal acts he probably didn’t approve of or like.
And now Pitts’ deposition will open everyone’s eyes to how far Matrix and “Sloppy Joe” allegedly pushed the envelope on behalf of the Three Stooges.