Southern Company

Part 4: Southern Company, Ronnlund and The Coming Crisis

On June 25, jury selection begins in the criminal trial of two Balch & Bingham partners and a Drummond Company executive in the Oliver Robinson Bribery Scandal. If one or both of the partners are convicted, RICO attorneys would undoubtedly file actions against Balch & Bingham.

With allegations of racism, unsavory third party vendors, hired actors, smear campaigns, questionable contributions, conspiracy, and alleged criminal conduct,  RICO attorneys have a lot to digest.

A RICO suit involving the Burt Newsome Conspiracy Case, currently hidden away in an unconstitutional and secretive Star Chamber, would bring all the foolishness of Balch’s lead attorney Schuyler Allen Baker, Jr. and the abuse, manipulation of the Alabama legal system into the sunlight.

An independent RICO attorney not involved in the Newsome RICO matter observed that Newsome’s team would most likely include Southern Company and its CEO Tom Fanning in a RICO action, especially since the  most damaging evidence against the co-conspirators came from the spouse of a former Balch & Bingham partner, Robert M. Ronnlund.

Ronnulund appears to have engaged in criminal obstruction of justice and alleged alteration of evidence. Ronnlund’s wife is now an executive at a Southern Company subsidiary.

In addition, Southern Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary Alabama Power, gave the initial “contribution” last July to the husband of the judge presiding over the Star Chamber, Alabama State Senator Rodger Smitherman. Last month, Alabama Power’s PAC greased the Senator again with a $2,000 donation.  Both Smithermans would most likely be included in the Newsome RICO suit.

Also, Newsome’s RICO team could include Verizon and the individuals involved in the “wham-bam” questionable deposition last July in New Jersey. Were any of them actors?

On a separate matter, we learned that investigators are looking for specific emails sent from Robert M. Ronnlund. We are trying to find out to whom and about what, but if the AT&T letter is any indicator, this doesn’t sound positive.

As we wrote in October, Ronnlund’s alleged actions “exemplifies conduct unbecoming of a lawyer who graduated magna cum laude from the University of Alabama.”


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