Drummond,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

As Investigations Probe Political Misconduct by Trump DOJ, Alabama Becomes Ground Zero

After four years of blogging on the alleged corruption in Alabama, we believe the egregious misconduct by the “Trump machine” in Alabama will become a national embarrassment.

Media and investigators can easily probe disgraced ex-U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama, Jay E. Town, who appears to have acted as a political agent for the Three Stooges of Alabama (Drummond Coal, Alabama Power, and embattled law firm Balch & Bingham).

All Three Stooges were closely tied to ex-U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions (Alabama Power and Balch & Bingham being his number 1 and number 2 lifetime donors respectively when Sessions was a U.S. Senator).

Insiders in D.C. tell us the Congressional and internal DOJ probes will take a hard look at Sessions and his goons.

Former U.S. Attorney General William Barr has already distanced himself from the alleged surveillance of members of the U.S. House of Representatives and their staff members.

Two-years ago, The Washington Post revealed new details about the corrupt North Birmingham Bribery Scandal and that how allegedly up to 20 more people at Balch were involved in the conspiracy to suppress African-Americans from testing their toxic property by the EPA. 

After the criminal conviction of a Drummond executive David Roberson and Balch partner Joel I. Gilbert in 2018,  U.S. Attorney Town stunned the public and law enforcement representatives when he declared the two were in essence the only ones involved—a “lone wolf” theory.

During the trial Alabama Power was allegedly unmentionable and never called to the stand.

Town chugging; Crosswhite chuckling.

Then in 2020 we obtained the jaw-dropping photos of Town chugging cocktails with Mark A. Crosswhite, CEO of Alabama Power and an ex-Balch partner allegedly at the height of the criminal trial. That lead to our formal complaint with the Office of Professional Responsibility and Town’s resignation last July.

This year, the Three Stooges have shown uncontrolled panic as ex-Drummond executive David Roberson’s $75 million civil lawsuit proceeds.

Even the Alabama Supreme Court unanimously sided against Drummond.

Like the Trump DOJ that gagged media outlets, Drummond tried to gag us, the CDLU, and silence our blog, but the judge prohibited their tactics of fear, suppression and intimidation.

And as a cherry on the top, Alabama Power’s biggest federal employee PAC donation in 2020 was to the Rule of Law Defense Fund, the entity behind the robocalls that spurred the insurrection on January 6th.

Among many others, Sessions, Town, Crosswhite, Andrews, and Tracy should all be subpoenaed, interrogated, and skewered for the sake of blind justice, the affirmation of the Rule of Law, and to preserve an independent and non-political U.S. Department of Justice.

Alabama is ground zero.


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