Part 6: Signed Docs Affirm Alabama Power’s Alleged Criminal Enterprise; Will Southern Company Fire “Sloppy Joe” Perkins?
The signed documents we have received anonymously, on top of the financial records, are truly earth-shattering. They appear to confirm Alabama Power/Southern Company’s alleged criminal enterprise.
In September we wrote:
Crosswhite more than ever is unfit to serve. He appears to show unwavering loyalty to Balch, Matrix, Mark White, and a web of non-disclosure agreements, blank checks, front groups, pay throughs, and secret contracts instead of Fanning or Southern Company.
Southern Company must cut the ropes with this alleged posse of deplorable and disloyal actors, who appear to be bald-face liars. Terminate Balch. Terminate Matrix. Terminate Sloppy Joe. Terminate White. Fire Crosswhite!
Now that Crosswhite has been ousted, Southern Company CEO Tom Fanning needs to clean house starting with “Sloppy Joe” Perkins and his obscure political consulting firm, Matrix.

Perkins’ signature is on documents in which Jeff Peoples of Alabama Power paid him mid-five figures to allegedly terrorize Burt Newsome, his young twins, his entire family.
Why would Peoples, Alabama Power Executive Vice President of Customer and Employee Services, be involved in such alleged acts? Why would a utility company entangle themselves in an alleged criminal enterprise including terrorizing innocent children and families?
The mid five-figures given to Sloppy Joe is on top of the over $2 million paid to Perkins and his entities yearly allegedly without the need for an invoice.
Although described as involving “transportation,” the obscure and vague contract appears to affirm the alleged dirty-deeds tied to Matrix.
Transportation services and trade secrets seem to be synonymous with high crimes, dirty-deeds, and acts of terror.
With Alabama Power allegedly spending hundreds of thousands through Matrix to allegedly smear Newsome falsely on a website as a rapist in July and August of 2020, there is not much left to stretch when looking at the alleged crime of attempted murder against Burt Newsome that occurred on September 11, 2020.

Newsome was injured in a head-on accident two weeks after the smear website went live.
He was gravely injured and nearly killed. Some even claimed the act was an alleged intentional act to silence Newsome, who is the lead attorney in ex-Drummond executive David Roberson’s $75 million civil lawsuit against Alabama Power’s sister-wife Balch & Bingham, and Drummond Company.
The other driver allegedly works for Norfolk Southern, a long-time business partner of Alabama Power and Drummond.
The photo appears to show oddly that the other driver in the green Ford Explorer, who made a left turn in front of Newsome, turned right when Newsome attempted to swerve around him.
Currently, the Roberson case is under seal in a secret Star Chamber. The sealed proceedings could be hiding, obscurring, and consealing high crimes and criminal misconduct.
Ironically, one of the highest campaign contributors to the judge presiding over the Roberson case is the illustrious Andrew “Andy2K” Campbell, who incredibly represents Sloppy Joe, Matrix and Balch. (Campbell donated $3,000. Maybe he should now be called Andy3K.)
Before the case was sealed, Alabama Power and Crosswhite were in sheer panic and vigorously fought to have protective orders approved.

The rebirth of the North Birmingham Bribery Trial appears to be a grave threat to Alabama Power.
Before the case was sealed in 2021, was Alabama Power trying to intimidate Newsome?
Everything we, the CDLU, have received is being turned over to the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including “Sloppy Joe’s” trade secrets.
Fanning must terminate the Oompa Loompa of Alabama politics, Sloppy Joe, and clean house.
The Crosswhite era is over, and the posse loyal to him needs to be removed like a bad cancer.
Terminate Matrix. Terminate Sloppy Joe. Terminate White. Terminate Balch.