Bombshell Report: Alabama Power Goes Mute; Matrix Meltdown Could Bring More Indictments
Are more indictments coming?
A lengthy bombshell report in The Guardian today on the Matrix Meltdown has caused Alabama Power to go mute. Matrix is an obscure political consulting firm tied to alleged unsavory misconduct.
The Guardian reports:
“Southern Company and Alabama Power run the state of Alabama,” [former Alabama Public Service Commission member Terry] Dunn said. “They work off intimidating. You gotta bow down and kiss the ring.”
A spokesperson for the company declined to comment on the firm’s activities. Perkins called Matrix’s work for the utility “confidential”.
Ari Peskoe, director of the Electricity Law Initiative at Harvard Law School said the “whole purpose” of firms like Matrix “is to conceal that it’s the utility doing this. The utility doesn’t want to be associated with this campaign.”
Four years ago this month, esteemed Balch & Bingham partner Joel I. Gilbert and ex-Drummond executive David Roberson were convicted on all six criminal counts including bribery and money laundering in the North Birmingham Bribery Trial.
Although disgraced ex-U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town attempted to blame the bribery scandal on a “lone wolves” theory, no one believed him. The Three Stooges (Alabama Power, Balch, and Drummond) foolishly thought the worst was behind them.
Corporate representatives, goons, and hired stooges for Alabama Power, Drummond Company, Balch & Bingham, and other related entities are exposed.
Why? Depositions in the Matrix Meltdown.
The Matrix Meltdown is an ugly legal fight between Matrix founder “Sloppy Joe” Perkins and his once-protégé “Jittery Jeff” Pitts. Lawsuits have been filed in Florida and Alabama. Last month, attorneys for “Sloppy Joe” noticed “Jittery Jeff” for a deposition.

What will “Jittery Jeff” Pitts expose?
Will he bring the House of Marked Cards crashing down?
What “dirty deeds” were done for the benefit of the Three Stooges?
Grave problems appear to lie ahead.
Balch’s alleged sugar daddy, Alabama Power, is allegedly under federal scrutiny while media chase the tax-exempt entities tied to Matrix. The utility paid Perkins and Matrix millions secretly behind the scenes allegedly engaged in dirty deeds.
Daydreaming, Balch & Bingham’s Managing Partner Stan Blanton appears to foolishly believe he has weathered-the-storm by accepting make-believe diversity awards and hiring a handful of people of color. How did Balch utilize Matrix? Did they target opponents using Matrix’s alleged collection of fake activists and actors?
Drummond, which sealed the Roberson case in a secretive Star Chamber, and wrote a $25,000 contribution to ex-U.S Senator and Balch stooge Luther Strange during the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal, may find themselves under scrutiny. Did Drummond utilize Matrix? Do they have any secret contracts with Matrix or “Sloppy Joe” Perkins? Was Matrix involved in challenging any of the Colombia lawsuits?
But the biggest screw up we have seen is “Sloppy Joe” Perkins laying out a criminal enterprise last month involving 18 tax-exempt entities and over $50 million in money laundering on yellowhammernews.com only to engage in a full retreat with his tail between his short legs.
In closing, The Guardian story is lengthy but, dear reader, please spend the time to read it in its entirety.
The Three Stooges should be worried.