Russian Sanctions Website Scrub,  Special Counsel Mueller,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

Update: Ex-CEO of Balch Client Pleads Guilty to “Filing False Claim”

Paul Daigle, the ex-CEO of Black Hall Aerospace, a former client of Balch & Bingham, has pled guilty to count 6 of his 9 count indictment, admitting to filing a false claim with the U.S. Department of Defense. Daigle is obligated to pay restitution of $52,968.

Paul Daigle

The plea deal culminates a five-year odyssey for us, the CDLU. We first alerted the U.S. Department of Justice of the alleged criminal misconduct with a fax to Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III in May of 2017.

Balch & Bingham stupidly mocked us in court pleadings in the Newsome Conspiracy Case.

As we wrote in 2019:

In their 69-page brief before the Alabama Supreme Court in the Newsome Conspiracy Case, embattled law firm Balch & Bingham whines that they were not mentioned in the Report by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III, writing: also stated that had been in contact with the Office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Balch. The now-public Mueller Report, however, does not mention Balch.

Does the foolish leadership at Balch truly believe that we were not in contact with the Office of the Special Counsel because Balch failed at getting an honorable mention in the redacted report?

Are these clowns really this stupid?

Balch & Bingham, Alabama Power, and their hired goons and stooges were in disbelief when Daigle was indicted in November of 2020. Three different federal agencies probed the alleged criminal misconduct.

According to the plea deal, all other eight counts will be dismissed and federal prosecutors have recommended probation for Daigle, a former combat veteran.

Judge Abdul K. Kallon, who abruptly announced his resignation in April, will sentence Daigle on Friday, July 29, 2022, one month shy from when he leaves office. 

Are these clowns really this stupid?

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