Drummond,  North Birmingham Bribery Case,  Southern Company,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

AG Garland: “Same Kind of Hatred” Fuels Criminal Acts

Speaking to ABC News yesterday, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland discussed the “same kind of hatred” that was behind the Tulsa Massacre of 1921 and the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995: racism and white supremacy.

Garland was one of the prosecutors in Oklahoma City in 1995.

In the post-Balch era, the environmental racism and “same kind of hatred” behind the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal and alleged secret Ketona Lakes site will bring even more federal scrutiny in the coming months.

The Three Stooges (Balch, Alabama Power and Drummond Company) played their cards in December showing the sheer nervousness and uncontrolled panic they were suffering from by attacking us, the CDLU and this website.

Kicking the dog and sending out buffoons to terrorize the innocent, Balch boosters and defenders truly dropped the ball and foolishly exposed themselves for what they are: idiotic bullies.

Mark A. Crosswhite, whose boxer shorts appear to have been twisted so tightly by his most trusted advisers, appears to have lost basic, common sense.

The most powerful man in Alabama may become the poster child of evil, environmental racism, alleged corruption, and arrogance if his handlers continue dragging him down the path of self-destruction.

No public relations fluff can reverse the reality.

Balch & Bingham, Alabama Power, and Drummond must address the issues head on instead of prolonging them with legal maneuvers, fluff, and counter-productive “kill the messenger” efforts that sadly exploded in their own faces.

If not, Garland and his team need to dive deep into Ketona Lakes, the ash ponds of Miller Steam Plant, the Tammany Hall of Birmingham, and the alleged “don’t-ask-just-cut-a check” bribery ring.

And then the EPA and later Congress can also come knocking on the door.

Disgraced ex-U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town chugs while
Alabama Power and ex-Balch partner Mark A. Crosswhite beams.


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