Bombshell 1 of 2: Liars! Manipulation of Balch Invoices; Will Feds Re-Open Criminal Case?
Digital files of evidence from the North Birmingham Bribery Trial show that the federal government appears to have been given the manipulated Balch & Bingham invoice, not the original addressed to Blake Andrews.
We have always known Balch & Bingham appears to have integrity issues when it comes to documents and billing records.
In 2018, we wrote about how we could not find documentation in the billing records (obtained through the criminal trial) of the harassing letter to the tiny environmental group GASP from Balch-made millionaire Joel I. Gilbert dated December 1, 2014.
We wrote at the time:
It appears that Gilbert may have been on vacation the week of Thanksgiving, because his last billing is for Friday, November 21, 2014. The letter is dated December 1, 2014, a Monday, but nothing shows up in the December billings.
Evidence tampering or we just can’t find it?
On Friday, ex-Drummond executive David Roberson filed concrete evidence that Drummond Company lied in court proceeding and that original invoices sent to Drummond from Balch & Bingham were addressed to Blake Andrews, the “confused” General Counsel of Drummond Company.
Roberson appears to have been set up as the “Fall Guy” in the North Birmingham Bribery Case.
In court documents, Drummond denied ever having received invoices in Andrews name, an apparent bold-faced lie.

Now we, the CDLU, are requesting a federal probe of evidence tampering and possible prosecutorial misconduct.
Digital files of evidence from the North Birmingham Bribery Trial show that the federal government appears to have been given the manipulated Balch & Bingham invoice, not the original addressed to Blake Andrews.
The rebirth of the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal is now obligatory.
Roberson should be exonerated while Drummond, Alabama Power and Balch & Bingham should be probed deeply and without restraint.
When we originally began our advocacy against the unsavory conduct of Balch & Bingham, we learned of the egregious acts allegedly committed against Burt Newsome in the Newsome Conspiracy Case.
Allegedly after the staged arrest of Newsome by the cop-son of a former Alabama Power executive, a Balch & Bingham partner sent out mugshots to banks on a Saturday afternoon. The partner denied doing so, and allegedly Balch’s computer information employees stated there was no trace of those emails.
But then Brian Hamilton, a bank executive, testified to the opposite with evidence. Balch used all its weight allegedly to target the poor soul who ended up losing his job and his home.
The era of cooking the books, manipulating documents, tampering with evidence, and targeting witnesses or innocent adversaries is over.
The Biden Administration must dust off the desk and start anew and aggressively. Not only have the Civil Rights and liberties of David Roberson been trampled on, so have those of Burt Newsome and Brian Hamilton.
A broader investigation is needed.
The post-Balch era demands it and so does blind justice.