Russians Try to Scrub Jeff Sessions Ties to Ex-Balch Client, a Russian-linked Aerospace Company
Balch & Bingham’s former client Black Hall Aerospace a/k/a AAL USA, Inc. appears to have become radioactive.

Just hours after trial balloons were sent out two weeks ago outlining a possible U.S. Senate run by ex-U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, we, the CDLU, received a letter via email on Wednesday, October 30, from a Russia law firm asking us to remove a court document from our website.
The court document outlines a bitter 2017 fight between Soviet-born immigrant Oleg Sirbu and the then-corporate management of Black Hall Aerospace, based in Huntsville, Alabama.
Later that day, we were alerted by our news release distribution service, that the Russian law firm had contacted them asking that our news release from May of 2017 be removed. The release discusses our letter to Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III demanding a closer look at Black Hall Aerospace and its ties to embattled law firm Balch & Bingham, a close ally of then U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Balch & Bingham was Jeff Sessions’ #2 lifetime donor when he served as a U.S. Senator greasing him with over $140,000 in contributions, while Balch’s sister-wife and siamese twin Alabama Power was Sessions’ top lifetime donor.
So why did the Russians wait two and a half years, just hours after the trial balloons were released?
According to their letter, their clients are AAL Group Ltd. out of the UAE, and Oleg Fidelskiy. Fideleskiy was exercising his “right to be forgotten” while AAL Group Ltd. wanted to clarify they were no longer “affiliated” with AAL USA, Inc. or Black Hall Aerospace.
Fidelskiy’s name is on a court exhibit inside a court pleading buried in a non-disclosure and non-compete agreement.
We actually used this document to hammer Oleg Sirbu’s lawyers in February of 2017 when they tried to tell us he wasn’t Russian. We said cut the bullshit. The non-disclosure agreement says that matters would be mediated in the UAE either in English or Russian, not Arabic. A Soviet immigrant, Sirbu was born in Moldava, then a part of the U.S.S.R.
AAL Group Ltd. may, today, no longer be affiliated with Black Hall Aerospace a/k/a AAL USA, Inc. but they were back in the day.
So why the letter from Russia, now, hours after the trial balloons? Foreign manipulation of elections? Shielding a friend? Scrubbing the worldwide web?
We read and re-read everything and we believe the goal is simply to eliminate our findings of the alleged ugly triangle, unholy trinity between Sessisons, Balch, and Black Hall Aerospace.
And what supports this belief?

We found another of our 2017 news releases online that does NOT mention the aerospace company by name, but does mention Sessions, the change of Russian sanctions, and Balch. No one is crying two and half years later to scrub that release.
With a history of three federal investigations, and an active probe of alleged illegal arm sales to Libya, Balch & Bingham’s former client Black Hall Aerospace a/k/a AAL USA, Inc. appears to have become radioactive.
We have now handed the matter off to federal investigators.