Newsome Conspiracy Case,  RICO,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

Nervous Whispers: Collapse of LeClairRyan

Yesterday, the leadership of the the respected law firm LeClairRyan out of Richmond, Virginia, announced they would be formally shutting down after 31 years.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch described the firm:

LeClairRyan was created in 1988 as a venture capital legal boutique operation to help entrepreneurs, startup businesses and venture capitalists. LeClairRyan grew from two attorneys into a full-service firm with hundreds of lawyers working at one time in more than two dozen offices and representing some of the largest corporations in the world.

So why the closing?

According to the Times-Dispatch:

The decision comes at a time of continuing departures at LeClairRyan this year….Besides losing lawyers, LeClairRyan also has closed offices and the firm’s gross revenue continued to decline.

Balch & Bingham, which lost 17 of 18 top lobbying clients in DC and numerous money-making partners since early 2018, continues to foolishly fight to the death over the Newsome Conspiracy Case and making bonehead decisions like letting go of their only female African-American attorney in Birmingham while boasting of hiring a one-man office in Augusta, Georgia.

With an airtight civil RICO lawsuit slowly coming together, Balch has more to worry about than nervous whispers inside or outside the firm.

As children return to a new school year with new goals, new teachers, and new changes, so too should the partners, attorneys and staff at Balch.

The dinosaur leadership of pseudo kings at Balch are blind to their own dismal failures. Their sheer stupidity and arrogance on the eve of more calamity is no longer a laughing matter.

Just ask the former employees at LeClairRyan in Richmond.


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