Exodus of Balch Partners Rocks Birmingham
The hemorrhaging continues at Balch & Bingham.
This afternoon the Birmingham Business Journal broke the story about six new members that have joined the Maynard, Cooper & Gayle law firm.
All six are former partners at Balch & Bingham.
The exodus of a half-dozen former Balch partners primarily comes from the public finance practice with expertise in healthcare financing and federal tax law.
As we wrote on Monday, ruining a rival has become ruining themselves.
We knew there were rumblings about partners ready to jump ship after 20-year Balch veteran Wiliam F. Stiers left last November.
Although no parting of the Red Sea, the exodus means these professional lawyers of integrity probably had had enough of the stench, like sewage, of alleged corruption and unscrupulous behavior at Balch.
We congratulate Hobby, Kevin, John, Kathleen, Kathryn, and David. Smart move!
When will Balch and Steve Feaga end the Star Chamber and bring closure to the Newsome Conspiracy Case?
When will they publicly apologize to the African-American community for the alleged acts of suppression and disenfranchisement by two indicted Balch partners?
The egos and selfish pride at Balch appears to have made them blind.