Thank You to Our Readers
We would like nothing more than to unplug this site if and only if Balch & Bingham would settle the Burt Newsome Conspiracy case and apologize to the North Birmingham African-American community.
Our educational advocacy project simply started with the Newsome conspiracy case and has mushroomed into numerous unsettling matters concerning the once prestigious, silk-stocking law firm.
Google analytics tells us we have over 17,000 unique users who visit our site regularly, some on a daily basis. We thank you for your readership.
Google also tells us that our number one post of all time is about the unconstitutional and secretive Star Chamber.
As we approach our 1-year anniversary next month, we will be updating and re-organizing our website to make it easier to navigate through our menu items.
Now on the job for over two months, we hope Balch’s first-ever Chief Compliance Officer, Steve Feaga, will finally take the steps to clean up the firm, and dismantle and unplug the Star Chamber.