Rest in Peace Blanca Blancas Luna
Our main mission as a public charity is to help the sick and the dying. We have helped over 10,000 families since 2001.
One extraordinary case was that of Blanca Blancas Luna, a wonderful mother from Mexico who desperately needed our help to obtain a ground-breaking stem-cell surgery in Chicago.
Our original contact with Blanca’s family was near the time Balch & Bingham and their stooge Judge Carole Smitherman created the unconstitutional and corrupt Star Chamber in August of 2017.
We traveled multiple times to Chicago and wrote about her original care on this blog titled, “Blanca versus the Brookies.”
Last summer, we visited with her as she was to have heart surgery before the stem-cell procedure. Days before the beginning of the criminal trial of disgraced ex-Balch partner Joel I. Gilbert was to proceed, we wrote the post, “Unplugging and Helping the Sick and Dying.”
Sadly, her heart was too weak to continue with the stem-cell procedure.
We worked closely with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to extend her humanitarian parole so that she could spend her last Christmas with her parents, siblings, and extended family here in the United States.
We also helped her husband obtain a humanitarian parole so he could help Blanca travel back to Mexico after the holidays.
We learned today that Blanca Blancas passed away peacefully. Although we are extremely saddened by her death, we know that we, the CDLU, tried our hardest to provide life-extending care.
Inherent goodness was constantly present, and even the U.S. Department of Homeland Security gave the family a beautiful blessing at Christmas.
Maybe and hopefully the partners at Balch & Bingham can see through their leadership’s blind madness that there are more important things in life than defending the indefensible.
Rest in peace Blanca Blancas Luna. Estamos contigo Familia Casillas Blancas.