• Southern Company

    Part 3: The Bogus Environmentalists and Smear Campaigns

    All that was missing were some tambourines and a bong. The canned and hypocritical paragraph of bull from Alabama Power, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Southern Company, about vendors conducting themselves in a “highly ethical manner” and complying with “all legal requirements” didn’t deflect but instead has amplified Alabama Power’s relationship with third-party vendors and and vendors’ conduct in the past. Let’s first look at 2013. Eddie Curran, an investigative journalist who formerly worked at the Mobile Register for two-decades, wrote a post about the bogus environmentalists that appear to have been thespian and dance students from Birmingham that showed up…

  • Southern Company

    Part 2: Alabama Power and the Actors

    The Alabama Media Group (AL.com) confronted Alabama Power, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Southern Company, about their relationship with the Hawthorn Group, the outfit that hired actors to participate in public forums in New Orleans to support Entergy’s Natural Gas Power Plant. AL.com wrote: AL.com asked Alabama Power a series of detailed questions about the company’s relationship with Hawthorn, including what work Hawthorn had performed for the company, how much Alabama Power paid Hawthorn and whether Alabama Power would still hire the firm in light of the incidents in New Orleans. Alabama Power spokesman Michael Sznajderman issued a written statement in…

  • Southern Company

    Part 1: Alabama Power and the Coming Crisis

    Right before Memorial Day, Alabama Power issued the following (and hypocritical) statement to the Alabama Media Group: “Alabama Power’s mission is to provide our customers with the safe, reliable and affordable service they expect and deserve.The company employs a number of individuals and organizations in support of that mission. Alabama Power requires all such individuals and organizations to conduct their activities in a highly ethical manner and in compliance with all legal requirements.” Really?!? So Alabama’s go-to law firm Balch & Bingham’s alleged suppression of  African-Americans in North Birmingham from having their toxic property tested by the EPA is “highly…

  • Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    BB&T’s “High-Level Inquiry”

    Yesterday, we, the CDLU, received an email from Mark Booz, the Deputy General Counsel of BB&T, a major Southeastern bank based in North Carolina. Balch & Bingham has represented BB&T in the past. He kindly acknowledged receipt of our email dated May 16th and let us know directly that the bank has “conducted a high-level inquiry into your concerns” about Balch. We applaud Mr. Booz and BB&T’s corporate leadership for seriously looking into the matter. In our email to the the corporate leadership at BB&T, we discussed the various scandals, two indictments, and serious allegations surrounding Balch. We wrote, “What…

  • RICO

    RICO Suave

    When Southern Company’s CEO Tom Fanning was doing a triple toe loop performance at Southern’s annual shareholders meeting in Pine Mountain, Georgia last Wednesday, anonymous sources tell us that Burt Newsome’s legal team was up the road in Atlanta meeting with the nation’s foremost RICO attorney. This is an enormous development and may indicate that the wolves and vultures we wrote about in January could be investigating in detail the Newsome Conspiracy Case, the alleged corruption of the Alabama judicial system, and the unconstitutional and secretive Star Chamber. Schuyler Allen Baker, Jr., the lead Balch & Bingham partner defending the firm…

  • Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Has Balch Become a Burden?

    “Discussing racism and discrimination is not easy, and various people have helped us create a learning experience that we hope will be educational, participatory and make us a better company. We want this to be an open and honest conversation starting with our partners,” wrote Howard Schultz , Executive Chairman of Starbucks, this morning as all Starbucks will shut down this afternoon for corporate discussion and training on bias and racism. Why won’t Tom Fanning, CEO of Southern Company do the same:  have an open and honest conversation about the alleged institutional racism that happened in North Birmingham by their partner:…

  • Mississippi Controversy

    Mississippi Silence

    So whatever happened to the federal probe in Mississippi in which Balch & Bingham admitted submitting erroneous billing statements? Anonymous sources tell us that with the criminal case against two Balch partners happening next month, as a matter of protocol, no public information would be released nor any indictments handed down in Mississippi that could spoil the jury pool in Alabama. In other word, all is silent until McKinney and Gilbert are found guilty or aquitted. To our readers, Happy Memorial Day Weekend.  We appreciate the sacrifices made by our forefathers that protects our freedom of speech, no matter how uncomfortable…

  • Secret Star Chamber

    With $30,000 Funneled to Smithermans, We Were Right

    On August 14, 2017, we foreshadowed what could happen in the future with the post “Will Carole Smitherman be the next Oliver Robinson?” Judge Carole Smitherman is the presiding judge of the secretive and criminal Star Chamber that was formed two weeks after our post was written. Oliver Robinson is the former Alabama State Representative who was indicted in a bribery scheme along with two Balch & Bingham partners and a Drummond Co. executive that allegedly suppressed African-Americans from getting their toxic and contaminated property tested in North Birmingham. We wrote at the time: Will Smitherman allow Balch and others…

  • Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Will Wall Street Stand Up for Inherent Goodness?

    In a final 15-page report to Southern Company’s institutional investors and Wall Street analysts sent 24 hours before their annual shareholders meeting, we summarized: Southern Company must immediately suspend its relationship with the embattled law firm Balch & Bingham until the firm conducts a top-to-bottom review of the firm, settles the horrific Newsome Conspiracy Case, and apologizes to the African-American community in North Birmingham. The Newsome Conspiracy Case exemplifies some of the worst legal conduct including alleged criminal obstruction of justice and alleged alteration of evidence. Balch & Bingham’s alleged pattern of behavior in the Newsome case, including the creation…

  • Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Balch & Bingham: The Itchy Elephant in the Room

    We now have heard from insiders who believe our work in briefing the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee appears to have indeed spurred the multiple investigations into Black Hall Aerospace a/k/a/ AAL USA, Inc. by the Office of Inspector General of the U .S. Department of Defense, the Military Criminal Investigations Command, and the U.S. Department of Justice. Balch & Bingham had scrubbed their website about the success they had in changing Russian sanctions on behalf of Black Hall Aerospace after we had exposed the fact. In another…

  • Special Counsel Mueller

    A Year Later, We Were a First with Special Counsel Mueller

    Exactly one year ago, Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller III as Special Counsel to the U.S. Department of Justice. When the news broke, we scrambled to get in touch with the Office of “Bobby Three Sticks,” as he is affectionately known in D.C. circles. Communicating with Rosenstein’s office, we were finally told the next day to fax everything through them since Mr. Mueller’s office had not officially been set up yet. On May 18th, we were one of the first groups to send Mueller an 18-page fax that included attached documents, evidence, and website posts.…

  • Special Counsel Mueller

    Mueller’s Wide Discretion and Balch & Bingham

    The Office of the Special Counsel will maintain the independence to investigate Jeff Sessions’ closet allies. We wrote a post last year that the Office of the Special Counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice has the power to investigate “any crimes that he might discover.” Paul Manafort, the indicted former Trump campaign manager, has argued that Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein had exceeded his authority. A federal judge rejected the argument yesterday. According to The Washington Post: Manafort’s attorneys have argued that Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein acted improperly when he appointed Mueller in May 2017 to…

  • Newsome Conspiracy Case,  Secret Star Chamber,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

    Part 6: More Money to Smitherman’s Husband

    State Senator Rodger Smitherman’s filing is so sloppy, it mentions Judge Carole Smitherman’s campaign on the cover page. Was that a Freudian slip of the keyboard? [Update October 8, 2019:  According to investigators, this was not a third donation. The $5,000 donation was from November of 2017 but Senator Smitherman appears to have concealed the donation by not reporting it until April 8, 2018. Edits below are in purple.] Sloppiness. Just sloppiness. With over 250 days of a secretive, unconstitutional Star Chamber presided by Judge Carole Smitherman, the Newsome Conspiracy Case is under seal. However, we did learn that NEWPAC,…

  • Southern Company

    Southern Company CEO’s Faux Pay Cut

    Yesterday, it was announced that Southern Company is considering a faux “pay cut” to embattled CEO Tom Fanning: reducing his annual compensation from $15.8 million to $15.7 million, according to the Atlanta Business Chronicle. What a joke! But then again, what can you say about Fanning and friends? While Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson was fighting the repugnant alleged acts of racism in Philadelphia, Tom Fanning and his team stuck their heads in the sand. Balch & Bingham, their sister-wife, alter-ego law firm allegedly engaged in unscrupulous, criminal, and racist conduct. Fanning’s own General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer Jim Kerr…

  • Russian Sanctions Website Scrub

    Balch’s Website Scrub Spurs Multiple Probes

    We learned late last week that the two parties at Black Hall Aerospace a/k/a AAL USA, Inc. Soviet-born Oleg Sirbu, the alleged owner who lives in Dubai, and military veteran Paul Daigle, who serves as CEO, have settled their civil case. The question now is: what will criminal probes find? We learned two-weeks ago that the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Defense is looking into the matter, and have now also confirmed that the Military Criminal Investigations Command is also investigating. Balch & Bingham successfully changed Russian sanctions for the firm and then scrubbed their…