Spring Break Madness at Southern Company
We will return next week.
However, Spring Break madness has erupted at Southern Company.
From DonaldWatkins.com stunning reports, to allegations of accounting fraud, from independent directors allegedly pocketing millions, to Kristine L. Svinicki’s unethical, conflict-of-interest tainted appointment, Southern Company is suffering from complete chaos. Employee morale is in the toilet and employees are making their angry voices known.
Spring Break…a time to let loose and party.
The chain of command at Southern Company changes this week, yet no one is drinking from a beer bong, or celebrating with a wet t-shirt contest.
Instead, Kerr, Peoples, Fanning and others are suffering from a severe hangover caused by Balch & Bingham, Matrix, LLC, and the Oompa Loompa of Alabama politics, Joe Perkins.
Documents related to the criminal RICO enterprise have brought to light the high crimes and misdemeanors that Southern Company never, ever thought would be exposed.