Tangled: Southern Company’s Criminal Enterprise, Law Enforcement Stooges, Compromised Judges, Paid-Off Media, and the Miscarriage of Justice
Southern Company allowed their most profitable subsidiary Alabama Power run free, like outlaws in the Wild West.
Why? Because Alabama Power’s excessive profits helped pay for the billion-dollar cost overruns at two Southern Company boondoggles: The Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant in Georgia and the Kemper Plant in Mississippi.

Ex-Alabama Power CEO Mark A. Crosswhite appears to have run a criminal enterprise that gives multiple victims of the misconduct standing to sue Southern Company with civil RICO lawsuits.
Civil RICO lawsuits against Southern Company, Matrix, Balch & Bingham, and others offer plaintiffs a solution to the rigged and corrupt system of justice and law enforcement in Alabama.
The acts carried out by Alabama Power, Balch, Matrix and others associated to the criminal enterprise are actionable. And the civil RICO statute provides triple damages to victims.
Now with Monday’s explosive post how Southern Company’s law enforcement stooge and disgraced ex-U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town authorized the subpoena of Alabama Media Group to find out the identity of an innocent, online commentator, the tangled web of law enforcement stooges, compromised judges, and paid-off media demonstrate a horrific enterprise engaged in acts of injustice.
Look at the Newsome Conspiracy Case.
When the Southern Company’s criminal enterprise sent two sets of outfits and travel bags to Newsome’s wife and each of his four children as a threatening message, local law enforcement had the audacity to blame his young twins who couldn’t read of ordering the items, picking correct clothing sizes, and inputting a stolen credit card number and home address on a website.
Fraudulently using a stolen credit card is a Class C Felony in Alabama. Why in the God’s name did local Shelby County Sheriff Deputies ignore this crime and dismiss it as an act of his two young children?

Town’s office was briefed on the Newsome Conspiracy Case, but Town, too, intentionally ignored the serious allegations and deliberately blocked four different FBI investigations.
The four blocked FBI investigations included probing a criminal enterprise, investigating the alleged bribes to the husband of the presiding judge, reviewing the abuse under the color of law by the cop-son of a retired Alabama Power executive, and an overall investigation out of Montgomery’s FBI Office.
As an FBI agent told us, “their hands were tied behind their backs.”
And by whom? Southern Company’s criminal enterprise and their stooge Jay Town.
In January of 2018, Jim Kerr, the Chief Compliance Officer and General Counsel at Southern Company told us unequivocally that Southern Company/Alabama Power was not involved in the Newsome Conspiracy Case.
But that was untrue, a lie.
A year later we uncovered that the staged arrest of Newsome in 2013 was done by the cop-son of a retired Alabama Power executive.
The anonymous documents we received in November show that Alabama Power paid to have the Newsome family terrorized, paid to tar and feather Newsome falsely as a rapist, and, to add a cherry on top of this cluster of injustice, paid-off the media to attack Newsome.
Southern Company’s paid-off media, the discredited Alabama Political Reporter, wrote a long-winded article in 2021 attacking the merits of the Newsome Conspiracy Case while defending Alabama Power and making disgraced ex-CEO Mark A. Crosswhite sound like a poor victim of this blog. (Cry us a polluted river!)

And who wrote that hit piece?
Brain amputee and CDLU stalker Josh Moon, the discredited journalist and failed realtor, who sold his journalistic integrity like a Bangkok whore.
Alabama Power paid Alabama Political Reporter at least $120,000 a year according to documents we received anonymously.
In 2018, Kerr may have looked the other way and let Alabama Power act like outlaws. Or maybe Kerr was lied to by subordinates.
All that changed in 2022, when news reports revealed that Alabama Power spied on Southern Company Chairman and CEO Tom Fanning and his then-girlfriend in 2017.
The outlaws had fatally shot themselves in the foot.
While Southern Company is cleaning house and restructuring, the corrupt state of affairs and infrastructure in Alabama remains.
Donald V. Watkins, the Newsome Family, the Forbes Family, the CDLU, GASP, and others have one remedy to clean up this Alabama mess and detangle the corruption: a federal civil RICO lawsuit.