En Banc Denied Unanimously; Roberson Rushed to Hospital and Now Recovering from Emergency Surgery
The criminal convictions in the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal stand solid.
Last week, the entire U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit unanimously denied an en banc rehearing of the convictions of ex-Balch & Bingham partner Joel I. Gilbert and ex-Drummond executive David Roberson.
On Saturday, when David Roberson went to visit his son who is in college, the older Roberson was rushed to the hospital. An emergency surgery was performed to remove an intestinal blockage allegedly caused by the enormous, unsurmountable stress.
Stress and anxiety are linked to gastrointestinal problems, including blockage.

And who wouldn’t be stressed and full of anxiety after allegedly being set-up as the “Fall Guy” in the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal and seeing your life, fortune, and family destroyed by the alleged lies and misrepresentations of embattled law firm Balch & Bingham?
Think about it.
Just imagine if you were forced to sell the family home, forced to hold an estate sale to liquidate your personal possessions, unable to pay for prescription drugs, and headed to federal prison because a law firm lied to you.
Although we have never met David Roberson, we, the CDLU, sympathize with his plight.
Stupidity at its highest, Balch lied about us in open court and mocked our contact with Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III until an indictment was handed down last year.
Balch defenders went a step deeper in the manure. Balch stooges had the sheer stupidity to terrorize the wrong family at the wrong address in an utterly failed campaign of lies against the CDLU last summer.
Lying appears to be a core value of Balch & Bingham. Regarding Roberson, Balch had the audacity to call the false advice and lying to Roberson a “legal service.”
We wish Roberson a speedy and full recovery.
Now, we ask, when will he and convicted felon Joel I. Gilbert report to federal prison?
Reality hurts, doesn’t it?
Our dearest readers, we hope you and yours had a wonderful summer break. We have so much to report about from the Matrix Meltdown to elderly exploitation, from SCOTUS filings to Alabama Power’s direct link to staged actors, from questionable campaign contributions to alleged judicial corruption. Please check in regularly. Thank you for reading and sharing our posts.