Saving Baby Natalia
While Balch & Bingham apologists were busy terrorizing the wrong family and amputating their brains, we were busy helping the sick and dying.
In June, Baby Natalia was in need of a liver transplant but her boosters had only raised less than $25,000 of an $80,000 goal when COVID-19 caused fundraising efforts to collapse.
We, the CDLU, vowed to help.
We spoke directly with the CEO of the hospital and told her that the child had less than two months to live if the transplant did not proceed.
We noted that everything was lined up including the donor and the transplant surgeon.
We promised to help the hospital with fundraising efforts once the pandemic subsided. (Public charities and not-for-profit hospitals have been hit hard by the COVID-19 economic downturn.)
Last week, because of our advocacy, we learned the transplant surgery will proceed and is scheduled for August 11th.
Blessings to Baby Natalia and her family!
Like Baby Natalia’s hospital, Balch had the opportunity to seek the path of inherent goodness, put matters behind them, and move forward as a community leader.
Instead, Balch swore to fight to the death in the Newsome Conspiracy Case, and has refused to apologize for their partner’s alleged racist misconduct in North Birmingham.
Now the public appears to be unanimously disgusted with Balch.
Instead of showing community leadership, Balch has, to some, become a symbol of excessive hubris and uncontrolled stupidity.
There are no transplants that can cure Balch’s problems.
Balch & Bingham must come to terms that they have failed and failed miserably.
Time to swallow the ugly truth, and make the necessary changes for a rational exit plan.