Public Rips Idiotic Defense of Balch & Bingham
We never, ever thought it was this bad for Balch.
The orchestrated public relations strategy of defending embattled law firm Balch & Bingham has backfired miserably and the public is ripping the idiotic defense of Balch.
Last week, anonymous sources tried to defend Balch’s indefensible conduct, in a 1,500 word piece in the Alabama Political Reporter that promoted our website, the first salvo of a new orchestrated campaign to try to save the embattled law firm.
But reaction by the public on social media has been unanimously against Balch.
That’s bad; real bad.
Here are just some of the blistering comments:

In 2018, immediately following the federal criminal conviction of Balch partner Joel I. Gilbert, supporters of Balch conducted an online media rehabilitation campaign that also flopped.
Balch supporters had Guy V. Martin, Jr. publish an op-ed that was so bad, so poorly written, we wrote about it in September of 2018:
[Martin] has the audacity to write that Balch & Bingham “set a high bar for ethical standards others envy.”
We’re sure no one, and we mean no one, envies Balch-made millionaire and long time Balch partner Joel I. Gilbert’s “high bar:” a six-count criminal conviction and the prison term [of five years].
But the cherry on the whip cream is Martin’s conclusion:
But saying that everyone who wrote a letter or in any way touched the pushback against the EPA’s effort to expand the Superfund site is the moral equivalent of Nazis for poisoning the poor children of Tarrant is wrong, according to the Obama administration’s EPA’s testing.
Does Balch & Bingham truly want to be compared to Nazis by their own defenders?
Now we hear that Balch defenders are going to praise the Queen of the Star Chamber Judge Caroline Smitherman and her husband State Senator Rodger Smitherman who cashed in over $30,000 in campaign contributions linked to Balch or Balch allies during the height of the Newsome Conspiracy Case.
We remind our readers that Senator Smitherman sat in on the closed, secret Star Chamber proceedings when they were supposed to be, well, closed and secret.

What so violently irritates Balch right now and their mouthpieces?
The satirical photo mocking the alleged corruption of the judicial system with both Smithermans in prison pinstripes.
To the foolish and probably paid defenders of the alleged racist law firm, the satirical photo is, well, insensitive, racist, or worse.
On Saturday, we, the CDLU, were again visiting the North Birmingham community and speaking to local residents about environmental racism.
When we spoke about the Smithermans, the local residents are still outraged that Senator Smitherman receives big donations from groups or entities tied to local pollution, and that Judge Smitherman allowed the Jordan Scrapyard to proceed after her husband received a $2,000 campaign contribution from a law firm defending Jordan.
And now the fools orchestrating the Balch publicity campaign want to denounce us, the CDLU, and hope everyone in Alabama is talking about the photo of the Smithermans and the Newsome Conspiracy Case.
We hope so, too.