Balch in Full Meltdown; Launches Publicity Campaign for CDLU and BanBalch.com
BanBalch.com is a success because of Balch & Bingham’s own self-inflicted failures. And now Balch has launched a publicity campaign to add to the list of stupid moves.
The Alabama Political Reporter published a wonderfully long piece on us, the CDLU, and this website, BanBalch.com today.
We texted Bill Britt, the editor and writer of this 1,500 word post, applauding through emoji and telling him, “Thank you for the enormous publicity. As Will Rogers said, ‘I don’t care what the newspapers say about me but spell my name right.'”
And what does Britt’s story really declare after all is said and done?

That we, the CDLU, have successfully held embattled law firm Balch & Bingham and their unsavory, alleged criminal conduct accountable, and Balch & Bingham, which is used to bullying their way over others, cannot come to terms with the reality that Balch is losing, hemorrhaging, and being laughed about throughout the legal community.
Balch is in a meltdown, and instead of resolving the matters at hand they have launched a publicity campaign for us. (And by the way, thank you!)
As we wrote in September of 2018:
We understand Balch & Bingham angrily feels that we, the CDLU, and our website are the cause of the loss of their clients, their money-making partners, the bad publicity.
But Balch’s claim is utterly false.
Balch alone is responsible for their partners’ alleged selfish, arrogant, corrupt, unethical, and criminal conduct.
We understand Balch & Bingham angrily says we, the CDLU, are “friends ” with Burt Newsome and are simply advocating on his behalf out of friendship.
But again Balch’s claim is utterly false.
Two years ago, we did not know or have any interaction with Burt Newsome, neither on a professional or personal level.
Balch alone cannot stand the fact that a tiny, public advocacy group is holding them accountable for their partners’ alleged selfish, arrogant, corrupt, unethical, and criminal conduct.
We, the CDLU, have no needs.
We are simply seeking inherent goodness, impartial justice, and honorable conduct.
Balch & Bingham appears to want to fight us as their enemy, which we are not. Balch needs to realize that they, themselves are their own worst enemy.
Balch’s acts of impunity are no longer tolerated by the public; and acts of contrition, reconciliation, and forgiveness are the only path forward to salvage the firm.
Although not a single source would give their name to Britt, we find it interesting that Britt, a journalist, never, ever bothered to call us to ask questions, get clarification, or even obtain answers.

Firstly, as a public charity, our main mission at the CDLU is to help those with medical issues. The CDLU this year alone has helped over 100 uninsured Latino families get full physical exams, and have been helping people across the country obtain or secure life saving treatment. This includes cancer treatment, diabetes control, cystic fibrosis care, and even heart surgery. We are also currently involved in securing a liver transplant operation for a young infant. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, we have helped numerous families with urgent needs including helping those being evicted from their homes.
Secondly, we have been very involved for over a decade in criminal justice reform, securing the release of an individual who served 26 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. We have been involved in reintegration community support in which we navigate the social services for former inmates who have been rehabilitated. We were one of the first Latino entities to work with the NAACP to train law enforcement about cultural differences back in 2002. We also launched a digital resource center on incarceration reform in 2018.
Thirdly, as victims of racist attacks, an entity that has spurred several Civil Rights investigations, and as a public charity fighting for Latinos and others, we have never released the names of our donors. In the 1960’s, white supremacists, segregationists, and the Ku Klux Klan would intimidate Civil Rights organizations by demanding the list of their donors. We are protected by federal law.
Finally, we, the CDLU, met Burt Newsome in late 2016 at a charity event. K.B. Forbes, the Chief Executive Officer of the CDLU, met Newsome for the first time at the event. Their wives belonged to a local mom’s club where their young children (4 and 3 years-old at the time) would play at a park. When the CDLU learned about the trampling of Newsome’s civil liberties, the phony “staged arrest,” and the defamation campaign, the CDLU vowed to help Newsome by calling and dispatching emails to Balch, but no one replied, no one ever called back.
BanBalch.com is a success because of Balch & Bingham’s own self-inflicted failures. And now Balch has launched a publicity campaign to add to the list of stupid moves.