Farce and Fiction? U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town Entangled in Half-Baked Deposition
And Balch & Bingham almost got away with it.
Hitting the panic button after Newsome’s legal team linked all the co-conspirators to a single wireless phone number in 2017, Balch & Bingham and their stooges put into a play what many believe was a phony, staged deposition in July of 2017 allegedly with Verizon’s top experts.
Balch attempted to take a Verizon burner cell phone and magically turn it into a “router switch.”
And the embattled law firm appears to have used all their political and legal connections to prevent Newsome from showing Balch and the co-conspirators had allegedly perjured themselves when they consistently declared they did not know each other.
Yesterday’s bombshell report about U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town’s alleged dirty work on behalf of Balch & Bingham, Alabama Power’s sister-wife, has rocked the legal community not only in Alabama but at Main Justice in Washington, D.C.
No one believes it is simply a coincidence that Town had worked for Verizon’s top law firm, even if Town attempts to plead innocence.

Town’s photos downing cocktails with Alabama Power CEO and former Balch partner Mark A. Crosswhite are more than compromising; they are an abomination against integrity.
We learned recently that the alleged phony, baloney deposition with Verizon on July 31, 2017 was done via computer video conferencing; yet no video recording of the deposition is available.
The alleged expert Jason Forman was no expert on routing switches or telephony. He simply processed subpoenas for 14 years at Verizon.
And the individual who gave the deposition: Was he really who he said he was? Was he an actor?
Please take the time now to read the deposition. Here is a link.
Reading the deposition, you can see the affair was a farce, pure fiction.
Why would Jay E. Town be tied to such a half-baked deposition? He was in the process of being confirmed in the U.S. Senate and we believe a phone call or two were made. Who was Balch’s biggest stooge at the time? U.S Senator Luther Strange.
We remind our readers that a staged event is of no surprise.
Alabama Power’s sister-wife Balch & Bingham gave birth to a fake AstroTurf campaign in the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal. The use of actors by electric utility companies and their consultants was exposed in 2018. And Alabama had a legendary story of actors portraying themselves as tree-hugging environmentalists in 2013 so they could smear and eventually oust a Public Service Commission member in 2014.
In our almost two decades of advocacy work, we have never, ever seen such an extreme miscarriage of justice as we have seen done against Burt Newsome, a father of four children, who allegedly was wrongly targeted, falsely arrested, and defamed by Balch & Bingham.
Town should have let the FBI probe the trampling of the civil liberties and due process of an innocent man; instead Town appears to have looked the other way for the sake of his friends: the Siamese twins of Alabama, Balch & Bingham and Alabama Power.
If Town has an ounce of integrity left in his body, he should hand the Newsome Conspiracy Case off to the Public Integrity Unit of the FBI in Washington, D.C.
Joaquin is waiting.