Another Open Letter to Balch & Bingham Employees
This communication is for all employees at Balch & Bingham, but specifically for those outside the bubble of Birmingham, from Jacksonville to Jackson, from Atlanta to Mobile.
How many more half-truths will you tolerate?
We discovered in February that ex-partner and Balch-made millionaire Joel I. Gilbert was still on the payroll. Even though Gilbert had been removed from the firm’s website and placed on “indefinite leave,” the harsh words from Balch management when the indictments were handed down appear to have been all a facade.
Gilbert was not handed a pink slip until that Friday evening in July when he was convicted on all 6 federal counts.
Did you subsidize his pay?
How many times were you told the Newsome Conspiracy Case was nothing to worry about?
Now with a civil RICO lawsuit being put together, not only is the firm at risk, so are the employees and clients affiliated with the firm who may have been involved in the alleged racket.
Our work since early 2017 caused the partners in Birmingham to exert questionable legal maneuvers, including the creation of a secret Star Chamber, that appear to have done more damage to the firm than good.
Burt Newsome has never done a thing against Balch & Bingham before he became an innocent target in alleged attempt to steal his business servicing banks.
Actually decades ago, as Newsome was going to law school at night and working at a bank during the day, Newsome referred business directly to Balch & Bingham. Just ask Jesse Vogtle.
Has anyone from leadership shared that with you?
Has management told you the truth, the whole-truth, and nothing but the truth?
Leadership should have briefed you about the direct link between Alabama Power and the Newsome Conspiracy Case. Even though they may try to justify or rationalize the relationship, the public won’t believe it, just like they did not believe Joel I. Gilbert.
We close with what we said in our open letter from February:
We, the CDLU, are not against Balch & Bingham; we are against racism, discrimination, and unscrupulous if not criminal behavior. We seek to promote inherent goodness, and expose unconscionable corporate conduct and inept government behavior.
There are many professional, ethical, and outstanding professionals working at Balch & Bingham and we applaud you.
We hope that you will hold leadership accountable, and if they repeatedly ignore you, we will not be surprised if you, too, break away like a dozen other money-making partners and attorneys have already done.
Inherent goodness shall prevail.