Sessions and Sessions
The number of website sessions yesterday was record breaking for us. The interest in the troubles and alleged unsavory conduct of Balch & Bingham has skyrocketed. Thank you for your readership.
Now comes the breaking news story of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions undergoing hours of questioning last week by the Office of the Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III, according to The New York Times.
Interestingly, Mueller’s office called us on the night of January 11, 2018. We briefed them on the latest developments of the key figure in the Russian Sanctions scandal: Balch & Bingham’s former client, Russian-linked aerospace company Black Hall Aerospace, Inc. a/k/a AAL USA, Inc.
Did Sessions divulge his relationship with Balch & Bingham? Did he talk about why Black Hall Aerospace was chosen as the original venue for his endorsement of the President? Did Sessions outline why Balch scrubbed their website on the same day he recused himself on the Russian matter?