Leaving Balch to Serve Clients “Zealously, Ethically, and Honorably”
The exodus continues at Balch & Bingham.
As we alluded to this morning, we can confirm: four esteemed litigators at Balch have left the firm to form a new one, according to the Association of Defense Trial Attorneys. The lawyers have made a “commitment to representing clients zealously, ethically, and honorably.”
We congratulate Bruce, Spencer, Todd, and Jim! Good luck!
Now 11 partners that we know of have left the firm.
What will Balch partners at the Atlanta, Jackson, and Jacksonville offices do? Continue to put up with the alleged criminal and unscrupulous shenanigans in Birmingham?
The Newsome Conspiracy Case and Oliver Robinson Bribery Case demonstrate alleged unethical and dishonorable conduct. Management at the embattled law firm appears like they do NOT want to apologize for the alleged mistreatment of poor African-Americans in North Birmingham or bring an end to the secretive Star Chamber in the Newsome matter.
Who, if anyone, can make Balch do the right thing? Is there no responsible leadership at Balch? Who has the intestinal fortitude to stand up for inherent goodness or has all been lost?