Newsome Conspiracy Case,  RICO,  Spotlight on Balch & Bingham

JeffCo and Alabama Supreme Court Add Explosive Fuel to RICO Suit; Balch Hits Panic Button

Just hours after we posted our report yesterday about the alleged misconduct by Alabama Supreme Court Justice William B. Sellers, a former Balch & Bingham partner, the Supreme Court issued an order declaring that both of Burt Newsome’s appeals would be dismissed in seven days because of a deficiency in not obtaining  the court records from the Star Chamber.

And whose fault is that?

The appeals clerk of Jefferson County who is required to compile the record and send it down to Montgomery.

The clerk had 30 days to do so. Both Newsome appeals (one against the retaliatory summary judgment; another against the redacted, illegible attorney fees) were filed in December.

According to our sources, Newsome’s legal team has called, personally visited the clerk’s office, but they refuse to act or even meet.

Has Judge Carole Smitherman (pictured), the Queen of the Star Chamber and a Balch & Bingham stooge, helped foster these egregious shenanigans?

What our experts tell us are two things:

  1. This alleged misconduct and intentional refusal to compile the record will only solidify Burt Newsome’s civil RICO lawsuit about the blatant corruption of the judicial branch of Alabama; and
  2. The abuse and suppression of Burt Newsome’s legal rights will create a civil rights and civil liberties case against the fools who believe there will be no repercussions.

And Balch appears to be in a panic about the civil RICO lawsuit headed their way. Our sources at Balch & Bingham tell us that a top associate at Balch was in the office Sunday evening reviewing the civil RICO matter.

As Balch & Bingham’s manure lagoon deepens with more dregs of society and unnamed stooges, the unstable dam is about to break wide open.


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