Year-End Update: North Birmingham Bribery Scandal
Next year will have more theatrics as the two indicted Balch & Bingham stooges Trey Glenn and Scott Phillips go to trial for alleged ethics violations in relationship to the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal.
National media, as we write, are taking a deeper, investigative look at Balch & Bingham and the alleged manipulation of oversight agencies and politicians who blindly signed ghost-written letters by convicted felon Joel I. Gilbert.
North Birmingham, with a population that is 92.5 percent African-American, may become the poster-child of environmental injustice and economic racism for the new leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives that has vowed to investigate deplorable and unfathomable hate crimes.
And another crises looms.
The two quarries next to the two coke plants in North Birmingham (pictured above) are filled with water, possibly contaminated water, and have become literally man-made lakes. The CDLU visited both lakes recently.
The community is concerned that with recent heavy rainfall, these lakes may soon overflow into the local neighborhoods.
Even though the water may eventually be pumped into Five Mile Creek, residents ask, “Where is the oversight? Where is the concern?”