Balch’s Support Becomes Political Liability
Last week, U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (pictured) was ripped by his opponent for having accepted donations from embattled law firm Balch & Bingham
WHNT reports:
[Peter] Joffrion is calling on Brooks to return certain campaign donations he says are associated with convicted felons. Joffrion is pointing out that Political Action Committees connected to both Roberson and Gilbert’s former employers have donated to Brooks campaign.
Congressman Brooks responded:
It is outrageous and callous that Peter Joffrion besmirches the good reputation of Balch & Bingham and its 500+ employees…based on the mistakes of two bad apples.
Good reputation? Only two bad apples?
Maybe the Congressman needs to meet the poor African-American children in North Birmingham that were targeted by Gilbert and other paid “consultants” associated with Balch & Bingham, or the four young children of Burt Newsome who have been emotionally impacted by the alleged greedy conspiracy spearheaded by a former Balch partner to allegedly steal Newsome’s business.
Frankly speaking, pulling up donations from 2010 or even 2017 when Balch’s reputation was still respected is a stretch for Joffrion. Joffrion’s attack was grossly unfair.
But now, today, 2018 is different.
Balch has done nothing to rehabilitate the firm or apologize to the victims of Gilbert’s criminal scheme. Worse, the embarrassing, secretive and unconstitutional Star Chamber will mark a year of existence next week.
No sound politician should accept a nickel from Balch, and no responsible company should utilize Balch’s legal services until there is an epiphany of change and public contrition that includes apologizing for Gilbert’s criminal conduct to the North Birmingham community and settling the Newsome Conspiracy Case.
Some days we feel like shampoo: rinse and repeat.