Day 2: Emails Show Collusion; GASP Targeted
Yesterday we heard one of Steven McKinney’s attorneys claim there would be not one single document out of a million that would implicate his client in the criminal bribery conspiracy.
The jury appears to be hearing otherwise. AL.com reports:
[P]rosecutors showed dozens of exhibits that included emails between Roberson, McKinney, Gilbert, and Robinson on the topic of the contract regarding the “public outreach program in north Birmingham.” Also shown were dozens of time entries Gilbert entered on invoices, where he often noted his time spent preparing for meetings with Robinson or contacting Roberson regarding strategy on the Superfund opposition. McKinney was copied on many of the emails.
We heard from other sources that Gilbert’s defense attorney asked if an ethics lawyer at Balch had reviewed the arrangement to hire Oliver Robinson’s foundation. He had.
And so what?
The SEC found no fraud, no wrongdoing with Ponzi-king Bernie Madoff after five investigations between 1999 and 2006. Anyone can be duped.
Other revelations today show that the alleged criminal co-conspirators targeted public charity GASP, a health and environmental advocacy group.
Kyle Whitmire of AL.com tweets that Oliver Robinson secretly recorded his meeting with GASP and provided the recording to Gilbert. Gilbert also drafted questions for Robinson to ask GASP. Robinson was required never to tell anyone of his work on behalf of Balch & Bingham, citing attorney-client privilege.
GASP is the same organization that Gilbert sent a letter of intimidation to in 2014.