Mueller Can Investigate “Any Crimes that He Might Discover”
During the 2016 election cycle, then-U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions was to endorse Trump at the Russian-linked aerospace company tied to Balch & Bingham.
For months we have been providing the Office of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III with detailed information about the alleged scurrilous, unscrupulous, and questionable actions by Balch & Bingham and associates.
The Washington Post reported Sunday:
Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein said Sunday that the expanding investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election is continuing apace ….[and that] special counsel Robert S. Mueller III can investigate any crimes that he might discover within the scope of his probe, but the deputy attorney general would not discuss which individuals are the subject of their inquiry.
We first wrote to Mr. Mueller to ask him to look into the website scrub by Balch in relationship to a Russian-linked aerospace company, Black Hall Aerospace, Inc. a/k/a AAL USA, Inc.
During the 2016 election cycle, then-U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions was to endorse Trump at the Russian-linked aerospace company tied to Balch & Bingham. But according to media reports at the time, the venue was changed at the last minute due to crowd size.
Very important to note: Balch & Bingham was U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ #2 lifetime donor as U.S. Senator
About two weeks after we publicized the fact that Balch had boasted about successfully changing the Russia sanctions for Black Hall Aerospace, their lobbying client, Balch scrubbed their website and top-lobbyist’s resume of any references to the Russia sanctions.
We have been asked, “Why did you take a screenshot of the website?” (Screenshot pictured above.)
Our answer is simple: After seeing what Balch and others had allegedly done against Burt Newsome, we did not want to be a victim of unscrupulous or scurrilous actions.
The website scrub by Balch not only created a cover-up, it magnified to what lengths Balch would go to sugar-coat the past.
A few months later, Balch attempted to deceive Politico.com about their continued ties to Black Hall Aerospace.
We have asked Mueller to also look at Black Hall Aerospace directly. The revenue growth at the Russian-linked aerospace company has been enormous and raises serious concerns and questions.
According to an online publication, the Russian-linked company, AAL USA, Inc. and/or Black Hall Aerospace, Inc., went from generating $6.5 million in 2014 with 15 employees, to over an estimated $100 million in 2016 with 450 employees.
Likewise, according to a court filing, AAL USA Inc. had less than $1 million in revenue with fewer than 20 employees in 2014 but grew to over 400 employees and $50 million in revenue by 2016.
One of things Black Hall Aerospace boasts about is their FAA Part 145 Repair Station. But according to the government website, they have only two mechanics (only one mechanic up to this past spring). Comparable companies have a half dozen to a dozen mechanics and numerous repairmen. This raises further questions.
We hope Mueller takes an even closer look at the numbers and where the money went.