The Big Reveal: Why Did Southern Company Viciously Go After Newsome, Forbes, and the CDLU?
While documents, expenditures, and insiders close to Southern Company’s executive leadership have verified and confirmed that the criminal enterprise engaged in surveillance, targeted, harassed, and spearheaded a campaign of fear and intimidation against the Newsome family, the Forbes family, and the CDLU, the key question brought up by federal investigators, regulators, and others is:
We have learned that Mark A. Crosswhite, the disgraced ex-CEO and Chairman of Alabama Power, was allegedly furious in January of 2020 when we published jaw-dropping photos of him slamming back cocktails with then-U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town.

Town, being investigated by the Office of Professional Responsibility of the U.S. Department of Justice because of the photos, allegedly told Crosswhite of the investigation in April of 2020, and allegedly announced that he would probably resign to prevent a career-ending probe.
Unhinged with the news, Crosswhite allegely spoke to his most-trusted advisors, white-collar criminal attorney Mark White and the Oompa Loompa of Alabama politics, “Sloppy Joe” Perkins, about the tremendous setback.
Perkins, seeing a way to justify his multi-million-dollar secret contracts with Alabama Power, allegedly began to investigate the CDLU.
The year before, in 2019, a payroll company failed to pay the State of Alabama payroll taxes due from the CDLU because of an internal error.
Although a final assessment was placed against the CDLU, the payroll company eventually paid the payroll taxes and assessments on November 1, 2019.
Perkins used this information to allegedly tell Crosswhite falsely that the CDLU had been given enormous amounts of money compared to previous years to attack Jay E. Town, Balch & Bingham, Alabama Power, and Southern Company.
Crosswhite allegedly speculated that George Soros was funding the CDLU.

Perkins allegedly held up CDLU’s tax assessment and waved it in Crosswhite’s face, stirring up the Godfather and the imaginary Don Corleone of Alabama.
Crosswhite swallowed the bait, hook, line, and sinker.
The Godfather allegedly and foolishly gave Perkins the green light, and Zeke Smith of Alabama Power authorized expenditures of over $300,000 against the CDLU, Forbes, and Newsome on the eve of Jay E. Town’s resignation.
Disgraced, Town fled in the middle of the night on July 15, 2020.
According to internal spreadsheets, Southern Company paid accounting firm Carr, Riggs, and Ingram.
That same July, the accountants allegedly estimated how much CDLU staff were compensated, in order to pay Alabama state payroll taxes of $9,487.50.
The discredited envelope journalists at Alabama Political Reporter (APR) allegedly used the estimate, stating individuals were paid at least $186,000 and maybe as much as $580,000.
The reality is that individuals at the CDLU were paid in 2019 for up to four years of back pay, but the idiots at APR never asked.

APR, like the whores of Bangkok, were hired by Southern Company to perform tricks and smear us for $120,000 according to internal spreadsheets and documents.
Three smear pieces appeared in APR that July of 2020, followed by the creation of a vicious website in August of 2020, falsely calling Newsome a rapist.
So why did Southern Company terrorize Newsome’s and Forbes’ young children? Why did Southern Company target, harass, and put these familes under surveillance? Why did they smear them?
Because Crosswhite drank the Kool-aid, thinking George Soros or an environmental group was funding us, the CDLU, to attack Town, Balch & Bingham, Alabama Power and Southern Company.
All of it a lie. All of it bullshit.
And Southern Company still has Sloppy Joe on contract.