Part 9: Alabama Power/Southern Company’s Zeke Smith Allegedly Supervised Campaign of Terror; Hackers Attacking BanBalch.com
Just a few minutes ago we were alerted that there were 101 login attempts against this blog BanBalch.com this morning and the number is climbing as hackers attempt to breach our security and firewall.
We have struck a raw nerve, or maybe an inflamed brain.
With the numerous documents we have received anonymously, we have now been able to confirm that the anonymous financial documents we received show Excel spreadsheet meta data that exposes the fact that “special” expenditures by Alabama Power against us, the CDLU, appear to have been authorized and allegedly supervised by Zeke Smith, Alabama Power Executive Vice President of External Affairs.
The Excel workbook titled APC CDLU SPECIAL, lists the report for “Zeke 82520” or in other words, a financial report dated August 25, 2020 for Zeke Smith. The report was allegedly generated by “Sloppy Joe” Perkin’s obscure political consulting firm, Matrix, for their top client, Alabama Power.
The data on the spreadsheets shows numerous line items that were heavy expenditures in the hundreds of thousands to terrorize the Forbes Family and their two young daughters, and to smear Burt Newsome falsely as a rapist.
The data line up chronologically to independent sources and events.

Documents also appear to show that Zeke’s colleague, Jeff Peoples, authorized a five-figure contract with Sloppy Joe to allegedly terrorize the Newsome Family and their four young children.

This allegedly included shipping travel bags and outfits for Newsome’s wife and four children, an act implying that Newsome or his family would be headed on a “permanent vacation.”
Two weeks after the Excel workbook was allegedly published for Zeke Smith, Newsome was hit head on in a car accident, gravely injured, and almost murdered, assassinated killed.
Beautiful, isn’t it?