Barbara Olson, 9/11 and Balch & Bingham
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
That is the feeling one gets when they remember Balch & Bingham at the pinnacle of prestige and respect: a silk-stocking law firm that was connected to the power structure on Goat Hill in Montgomery and on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. and provided superior services to their clients, the community, and the law profession itself.
Now, today, an alleged pedophile who served eight years as an attorney at Balch dominates the headlines.
The ex-Balch partner involved in an abhorrent criminal scheme, including targeting poor black children with $50 Burlington Coat Factory gift cards, is headed to federal prison next month for crimes including bribery and money laundering.
And Balch is the middle of two alleged investigations: the elderly exploitation scandal and the Mississippi rental assistance debacle.
Who would have thunk?

On September 11, 2001, hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon killing all on board. And who was one of the most well known passengers? Barbara Olson, a political commentator and wife of then-U.S. Solicitor General Theodore Olson.
She was feisty, analytical, top of her game–a rising media star who was headed to Los Angeles to appear on Bill Maher’s TV show.
She was also a lawyer who worked for Balch & Bingham.
Stunningly, on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Balch did not mention a word, a peep in a news release. No fluff in the Birmingham Business Journal. Not a word to the Birmingham News.
Just a simple tweet that was retweeted once and liked three times. An afterthought.
She was sadly not remembered with the dignity and honor she deserved.
Olson appears to be a forgotten Balch memory from a far, far away galaxy from long ago. She was limited to a tweet no one has read or seen.
Even an alleged pedophile was treated with a quote to the media from Balch’s spokesperson. Shameful!
We, the CDLU, salute her and all the fallen men, women, and children from 9/11.