North Birmingham Bribery Case

Targeting Children

[Originally published on July 30, 2018,  this post has come back to haunt Balch zombie Jeff Sessions. The New York Times yesterday published details of an investigative report that claims Sessions stated, “We need to take the children away” no matter how young.]

We still cannot believe (or stomach) that convicted Balch & Bingham partner Joel I. Gilbert and his co-conspirators (both convicted and alleged) would target the African-American children of North Birmingham to peddle their suppression and discouragement of testing of toxic and contaminated properties in an area that is 92.5 percent black, according to U.S. Census figures.

Corporate clients should be suspending or dumping Balch & Bingham faster than Papa John was disgraced for saying a racial epithet.

This appears to be an ugly truth: scandals associated with Balch & Bingham stooges appear to have a link: children.

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who delightfully justified the separation of young children from their parents attempting to cross the border illegally, declared last month “We’ve got to get this message out.”

Sessions, another Balch stooge who let Gilbert review his letter to the EPA when he was a U.S. Senator,  was the recipient of over $140,000 in campaign contributions from Balch when he served in the Senate, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, and Balch was his number two lifetime donor (behind Balch’s sister-wife Southern Company),

Then former Balch & Bingham partner Clark A. Cooper, now selling mattresses, allegedly spearheaded an effort to steal the business of attorney Burt Newsome, a father of four young children (pictured).

Instead of settling the Newsome matter, Balch has justified the “ruining a rival” mentality and has played foolish hardball including sealing the case in its entirety with a corrupt, unconstitutional, and secretive Star Chamber.

And who was affected the most by Balch’s hardball tactics in the Newsome Conspiracy Case? The children.

And who was affected the most by  Balch’s corrupt tactics in North Birmingham? The children.

The irony is, when Gilbert is sentenced to prison this fall, who will be affected the most by his corrupt, unprofessional, and criminal behavior? Gilbert’s two young children.

How’s that for “getting this message out?”


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