As Balch Tries to Rehab, Documentary Highlights Alleged “Legacy of Pure Evil”
On Friday, Brian Rell, who served as Congressman Robert Aderholt’s chief of staff for over a decade, jumped over to Balch & Bingham to rehabilitate their operations in Washington, D.C.
Due in part to our efforts to educate the public and corporate leaders, Balch has lost 17 of 18 major D.C. lobbying clients and millions in fees.
While Balch has hired an experienced and high-caliber Washington-insider, the question is: will major corporations want to be associated with a law firm allegedly engaged in institutional racism and the suppression of African-Americans in North Birmingham?
With the criminal appeal hearing of ex-Drummond executive David Roberson and Balch-made millionaire Joel I. Gilbert coming in January, followed by a Alabama Supreme Court decision on the Newsome Conspiracy Case, and topped with a possible civil RICO lawsuit, Balch’s alleged unsavory, unethical, and criminal conduct will be making headlines in 2020.
On top of that, a documentary about Balch & Bingham and Alabama Power is coming.
Here is a tiny, small excerpt we obtained:
We wish Brian Rell all the best in his new position, and maybe, just maybe he will return our calls.