North Birmingham Bribery Case

Black Politico Behind Bars while White Felons are Free

Alabama is said to be a place where African-Americans are routinely treated worse than their white counter-parts.

No one dare say the misconduct in North Birmingham was racist even though the neighborhood is 92.5 percent African-American.

The bought-and-paid-for African-American politician Oliver Robinson is now behind bars in Oklahoma City and won’t be released until April of 2021.

Yet, his two white co-conspirators, convicted felons Dave Roberson and Balch-made millionaire Joel I. Gilbert, are out, free, while an appeal is pending. The appeal will take at least a year and will focus on the issue if the “official acts” committed by then-State Representative Oliver Robinson were official or not, under court precedent.

Gilbert was granted his motion to remain free on December 21, 2018.

These actions remind us when corrupt ex-Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford was sentenced to 15 years yet his white co-conspirator Bill Blount was sentenced to only 4 years.

In 2017, Blount was issued a full-pardon by the Alabama Pardons and Paroles Board.

Justice. Alabama style. Roll Tide!





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