Obstruction of Justice and Southern Company
18 U.S.C. § 1503 defines “obstruction of justice” as an act that “corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.”
Robert M. Ronnlund, the attorney that sent the alleged “criminal obstruction of justice” letter in January of 2016 telling AT&T not to release any information about the telephone numbers linked to the Newsome Conspiracy Case falsely claiming there was a court order prohibiting such release, is in the center of the eye of the storm.
His wife, Millicent Ronnlund, had been promoted partner at Balch & Bingham in December of 2015, just a few weeks before the letter was dispatched. Eventually, his wife was named General Counsel of Southern Nuclear, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Southern Company, two-years later in late 2017.
Although Robert M. Ronnlund made a pathetic excuse as bad as “the dog ate my homework” in his pleading trying to dismiss the alleged criminal act of obstructing justice, what rewards did Ronnlund reap for his “dictated but not reviewed” letter?
In other words, what did Millicent Ronnlund and Southern Company know and when did they know it?
Robert M. Ronnlund has yet to reach out to the FBI, but maybe his secretarial staff will, under oath, provide even more interesting details.