North Birmingham Bribery Case

Public Backlash: Balch & Bingham Tumbles in Lobbying Circles

According to the Center of Responsive Politics, Balch & Bingham appears to be  down to only two well-paying lobbying clients in Washington, D.C.

Looks like the dozens upon dozens of lobbying clients Balch used to have have dumped the embattled law firm into the outhouse.

With the conviction of Balch-made millionaire and former esteemed partner Joel I. Gilbert, Balch & Bingham’s reputation appears to have tumbled in lobbying circles.

And now comes the Birmingham Business Journal that reports the Balch & Bingham partner’s conviction on six federal charges including bribery and money laundering “could ultimately shape the way Birmingham’s corporate heavyweights, which wield considerable power and possess vast financial resources, exert their influence on lawmakers and public entities in Alabama.”

The Journal adds that not only the convictions, but the “public backlash” is causing lobbyists to think twice.

And what is the public backlash that is killing Balch & Bingham?

On the ground and in community gatherings, the repulsive targeting of poor African-American Children in North Birmingham with insidious “free coat drives” to discourage their parents from testing their home’s toxic and contaminated property is the chatter that won’t end.

When will Balch & Bingham apologize for Gilbert’s depraved conduct?


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