Ex-Balch Client Loses Piece of $25 Billion Pie
As we wrote recently, our efforts reporting about Black Hall Aerospace a/k/a AAL USA, Inc. appears to have spurred three different federal probes.
Balch & Bingham had represented Black Hall as the Huntsville-based aerospace company lobbied on Capitol Hill to have Russian sanctions changed. The sanctions were successfully modified in November of 2015.
We have called on the federal government repeatedly to conduct a forensic audit of Black Hall Aerospace, especially since they were the beneficiary of federal monies as a subcontractor to aerospace giant Leidos. The skyrocketing revenue growth by Black Hall looks unusual.
Black Hall alleges Balch fired the aerospace client abruptly last year after our initial reporting.
Now Leidos and Black Hall have lost a big piece of a $25 billion, 10-year government contract.
Washington Technology reports:
Leidos found itself on the wrong end in a competition for a $25.5 billion logistics contract and is appealing to the Government Accountability Office for another shot.
The Army’s Worldwide Logistics Support Services contract went to six other companies….
WLSS-C covers a wide range of logistics services including logistics support, maintenance support, supply support, aircraft and flight operations, training, training aids, engineering services and contractor field teams.
A performance work statement that was part of the solicitation package describes a task order to support the Afghanistan Air Force with services to help the Afghan military take over the duties of maintaining and managing their aircraft.
This contract is a new vehicle but pulls together a variety of predecessor support contracts into one new procurement that runs through April 2028. It is open to any Defense Department customer as well as allies.
In addition to Leidos, Black Hall Aerospace also filed a protest. Black Hall is based in Huntsville, Alabama.
Black Hall filed its bid protest April 16 and a decision is due July 25. Leidos filed its protest April 20 and expects a decision from GAO by July 30.
Unfortunately, Black Hall’s former ties to a law firm with two indicted partners facing a criminal trial in two weeks appears to not have helped them in the long term.
Balch tarnished their own brand with alleged unsavory, unprofessional, and criminal conduct; and now Balch and some of their clients appear to be facing the harsh consequences.