Media, Feds Zone In on Balch’s Russian Connection
With the recent idictment of Michael Flynn, the CDLU has been approached by the most esteemed media outlets about Balch & Bingham’s success at changing Russian sanctions in 2015 for Russian-linked aerospace company Black Hall Aerospace, Inc. a/k/a AAL USA, Inc.
Likewise, federal investigators near Quantico are zoning in on our posts about Balch’s Russian activities, including their foolish website scrub.
We do not know if this is activity from the Office of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III or a separate investigation spurred by our contacts on Capitol Hill.
In November, we wrote how Balch’s success in changing Russian sanctions had now become a liability.
It surely has.
Either way, we are pleased that someone, somewhere is seriously looking into the matter.
Black Hall Aerospace, based in Huntsville, is currently in the middle of an ugly legal fight between Oleg Sirbu, the Soviet-born owner, and a U.S. management team that is accused of allegedly diverting $3.2 million of corporate assets to purchase among other things a house, an airplane, and a coffee house.